fucking fuck you arin hanson and your stupid ass beard and mouth with which you spout n words

first 50 hours of the game are some of the best gameplay the video game world can offer, everything after that is incredibly banal and rehashed to oblivion. somehow still a masterpiece, though

i find it pretty terrifying that there's such a thin line between falsehood and reality in the digital age. what should i believe about the creators of this game? is it morally sound to purchase and play this game? who can tell? the situation is increasingly confusing, and i'm not so sure i care enough to dig through reddit threads, twitter posts, and forum rants to gain even a semblance of understanding about the controversy surrounding this game. this is a growing problem that can affect anyone, especially the victims of abusers that have to summon the courage to speak out in scenarios such as these, only to have their traumatic experiences turned into fodder for internet drama.
oh yeah the game's pretty okay

this may possibly be the only book on backloggd. it's really cool though and worth the money too

the dude who makes these has been making this game over and over again for the last 10 years

i replayed the opening of this three times because i kept dying to whatever stupid shit but it's rpg maker so i can't be all that mad

if retail workers just started caving annoying customer skulls in they couldn't arrest all of us

kinda like a good game but not good

ms paint but with ps5 graphics

this shit is poptropica for gay furries

this shit was lowkey doo doo crumbs

my experience in this game was making my character look like a kid from my school i didn't like and then i made all of his stats 1 because i didn't like him

this game is fun in the way that walking on a train track is fun