i hate playing Q so bad why do I always pick the dogshit characters

i got this game out of the game pass "which game will you play" die and im so glad i did. im not sure what i expected. i remember seeing it ages ago be it when i originally got game pass over a year ago, or from one of the many awards it has garnered, and thought "sure! i'll give it a shot". it's been a good long while since i've played a text-heavy narrative game like this, but it was so intuitive and the story was so well written that it didnt ever make me feel like there was something i couldnt do. it's a surprisingly... addicting? game to play, continuing the story, learning more about the characters, and everything keeps pulling you in saying "sure one more cycle". my only complaint is that at times I wasn't sure what story to follow, as I only had so many dice and so much energy and so many cycles until the next story event, but that in part adds to how engaging it is. that and sometimes moving around the eye felt slow, but again, it adds to the feeling that you are living life on this giant space colony, and moving around pursuing different storylines and discovering more of the world. i'd say give it a shot! especially since it's on gamepass and i finished it in only a couple days. big big big recommend, it's like reading a very good choose-your-own-adventure book

the game admittedly took me longer than it should have to finish but it was mostly because when i did get to play i just fucked around and did tricks and tried to do cool shit and i got a lot of my fun outta that. there were a couple parts that were sorta lame like the whole police system kinda bummed me out sometimes and something else towards the very end of the game that i wont say here, but this game just has so much character and style and just so good oozing out of it in the amazing soundtrack and fun characters and tricks and the graffiti having guest artists and god this game is really good give it a shot if you can i can see myself getting back to it and just messing around for hours on end

This game rocks goddamn. Genuinely one of the best platformers I've played since Celeste, and the soundtrack and artstyle and everything is so much fun.

This game is a lot of fun even if it is just glorified, pretty fetch quests. It's genuinely so funny with friends and it made the tedium of raising sails and lowering anchors manually part of the experience. It also looks super well and runs really well on my laptop somehow??? I'd play this game a lot more if it wasn't fucking 80 gigs because holy shit 80 gigs why is it 80 gigs

(Date is just there for show I been finished this game). For some reason I could never get into the second one for very long but this one's pretty good. There's a LOT of problems however; the catalog level ups are so annoying to get through and take too long, the matchmaking sucks, NSO sucks, Salmon Run is not as effective to progress as playing Ranked/Turf War, none of the interesting elements from the story mode like the rails and stuff are used in the multiplayer maps, weapon balance is so bad, and I personally miss the old S2 Splatfest maps so much, where they would be specifically made for the splatfest and use interesting gimmicks that would be playable that weekend. All in all, it has a LOT of problems, but to me it's a pretty fun game, when you're playing with friends and not taking it too seriously. Last complaint is this should not be 60$ in any way shape or form. Way too much for what's here but w/e. Good game, lots of problems.

I think I reached what's supposed to be the end for now I can't tell for sure and hell yeah more slime rancher. I feel like it's still missing quite a few things and I'm sure it'll shape up a lot more when the full thing comes out, but hell yeah slime ranching

they really just went and made the best game ever but again and better holy shit shoutout

(Date is when I got the last achievement) Big, big fan of this game. The lore's great, gameplay's fun, multiplayer works great and is super super fun, and the power scaling is a lot of fun cause you just get to stack stuff forever. Despite it all though, the game feels, unfinished? Not in the sense that it's broken and doesn't work well but it just feels like there's so much potential they could've worked with, and they just didn't. They even said in an interview they didn't even have plans after SOTV. I'd be so down to play this game so much more, hell I got all 118 achievements I have to like this game, but nowadays other than the occasional one-off run with my friends or eclipse attempt, it just doesn't feel like there's much else to do. Great game though, and I especially like it for how good the multiplayer is and how well it works. It's a blast, pick it up.