i played to 100% on normal mode. honestly a must play for fans of metroid and fans of the genre. it's extremely solid, i consider this a killer app for the switch

this is the best mario party i think, but i worry about my joy-cons, and why did they cut so many characters?? i want diddy

toby fox's earthbound dna continues to shine through. DR chapter 2 makes perfect use of the foundational pieces placed in chapter 1. we are in for a good ride

a good tomoya ohtani album. otherwise kind of insulting. the marketing for this game was very misleading.

some great songs. the story was horrible and the stages were object rearrangements of main game stages

just play it. really. JSR + Tony Hawk. hail Hideki

perfect everything except the video game part of the video game

It's basically a perfect introduction to 2D Sonic for the mainstream of today. I would have loved to see more original zones than just the four. Titanic Monarch is one of my favorite final stages in the Sonic series, it has a truly authentic sense of challenge to the platforming. It's easy to clear while Super, but if you somehow didn't get the emeralds by this point (because the Special Rings are spammed), just take it slow and practice :)

Really fun to go back for time trials every so often. The only boost game that I really like. I don't harbor ill will towards it for the oversaturated reuse of its comprising pieces in future Sonic games. I judge those games for that

Even the bad shit is really just dumb fun in disguise. Overhated by the average younger Sonic fan and the average older Sonic fan, even though the gaming mainstream considers Adventure 2 a bonafide classic for the Dreamcast and Gamecube.

Big the Cat story is easy you assholes it takes like 30 minutes go pick on Werehog

There are enough great regular 2D Sonics for there to be a slightly different take on the formula. The vibe is immersive and demonstrates that Classic Sonic as a character can be really cute and really cool at the same time.

It's Adventure 3 sans Chao. If it came out today, there would be people defending it to high heaven, and we would get a single apology tweet from SEGA. Life would go on and it would have had no major affect on the trajectory of the series. They had a great formula and it's gone because this one game was very buggy.

Even the bad shit is really just dumb fun in disguise. Overhated by the average younger Sonic fan and the average older Sonic fan, even though the gaming mainstream considers Adventure 2 a bonafide classic for the Dreamcast and Gamecube.