30 Day VGM Challenge

Challenge done using this template.

Hard mode was still kinda easy mode, so I originally was going to one up the challenge by using no repeat franchises but... I just couldn't pass up on adding The Airbuster to the list in the end. I also tried to use some fairly nuanced takes to maybe introduce people to some new games/music.

Day 1 - Title screen music

Gray Raven Title

The unfortunate thing about gacha games is once they start introducing new updates, the title screen is constantly changed. The original opening track is still the best though.
Day 4 - Music from a console exclusive series

Two Stars Approach the Roche Limit
Day 5 - Hub music or overworld music

Frontier Town Folca

Don't enjoy this game too much but man if this isn't just one of the best town themes of all time.
Day 6 - Music that makes you feel relaxed

Ballad of the Builder
Day 7 - Music from an indie game

Existence Collapses
Day 8 - Music from a shooter (first or third person)

Mo Money
Day 9 - Music from a licensed game

Main Theme
Day 10 - RPG battle music

Day 11 - Puzzle game music

Are You Coming Home, Love MOM
Day 13 - Music you like from a game you don't like

Nay! The Honor is All Ours

Iceborne's changes to Monster Hunter: World are ultimately what made me quit before the game's conclusion and for many years I went without hearing this absolute masterpiece.
Day 14 - Music featuring vocals

Cable Car

I mean, it technically has vocals.
Day 15 - Boss battle theme

Caius' Theme
Day 17 - Music you never get tired of

Battle in Rain
Day 18 - Music from a game released the year you were born

Running From Evil
Day 19 - Cover of music by a different artist

The Airbuster
Day 20 - Music from a racing game

The Attic

If you have no idea what this game is please listen to all seven tracks they're incredible.
Day 21 - Music you associate with frustration

Beetle Lair

5 round fight against Scorpion in the Nexus actually just fuck this fight entirely.
Day 24 - Music you constantly have stuck in your head

Voice From Abyss
Day 25 - Music that gets you pumped

Genesis Beyond the Beginning
Day 26 - Music you like from a game you haven't played

Love You Love You Love
Day 27 - Music from a handheld game

Doom Dragon Battle
Day 28 - Music that makes you nostalgic

Battle to Pay the Debt B
Day 30 - Credits music

Ashes of Dreams / New


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