Don’t recommend buying this version of the game. Doesn’t really change anything, doesn’t have multiplayer, and the price shouldn’t be 50 bucks for new players. If you want updated graphics/resolution, the XBox 360 already did it or you can emulate it. Don’t support Rockstar putting out half baked ports like this.

I remember when this game first came out back in 2015. I played the game's demo super early then got the full game but forgot literally everything about it. I'll replay the game eventually, I remember it being pretty good.

Probably my one of my first experiences with handheld video games. Played this a lot on my Gameboy Advance, and was really good at Galaga. For what it was, it was a good little collection.

This game is phenomenal and what I’d give to play it again if I had the All-Stars collection.

I remember playing this in middle school and thinking this was peak now I’m like eh. I think YouTube overhyped this game.

By far my favorite horror game. Lives up to the original and does a pretty damn good job at being a standalone Alien story as well. The way the AI works in this game is honestly insane to me. This game also holds up very well visually. Beat the main story on normal difficulty but god I tried Nightmare and it’s literally impossible for me.

Started playing this game around 2012. Love this game. Used to be super goated at this game and loved building really intricate stuff, and enjoyed Hypixel when it was still very young. I think I’m just growing up but I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to anymore. I can’t play this game for long otherwise I get fatigued nowadays. I have a really bad Minecraft burnout. I have a lot of core memories on this game.

Also the Minecraft parodies… 👍👍👍

Great game and one of the only times I genuinely was totally ok with it being a Souls-like game. Totally recommend if you have a PlayStation.

Loved this game as a kid. I love/loved fairies and tales surrounding them so this type of game was literally for me. This needs some type of remaster or remake because it’s genuinely a good game. I wish there was other games like this one.

Has a phenomenal soundtrack. Cœur de pirate blew it out of the park with the music. Charming little game I really enjoyed as a kid because of its artstyle and story.

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This game took me years to eventually complete. Mostly because of the first chapter being so slow and I'd shelf it way before getting into the good parts of the game. I wanted to go in blind and avoided a lot of the core narratives for the story as well, so it was certainly a slog to play through at the beginning. Once I got past that, this game is fantastic. I am still trying to process it, the characters, the story, everything is just phenomenal. The open world is probably one of my favorites of all time, like wow it feels so lived in and vast.

I can't quite say the words for the narrative, its phenomenal but it's so jarringly beautiful that it's hard to say what I really want to. Arthur Morgan is a fantastic character, and all the side characters each felt so alive and important. I got emotional when John held that photo of young Arthur and Mary and knowing what it meant for the entire plot. Although I figured that Micah was going to betray the gang by chapter 4 without looking into anything, it was so satisfying eventually shooting him in the face multiple times as John. Overall, what I say doesn't give the game justice. I can see why this is on people's top games of all time, because it absolutely deserves it.

Cards and roguelikes?? I love it so much. Game is very good.


My favorite roguelike ever it's just very good.

This game as far as I remember was great but I was like 7 years old when I last played it. I loved knocking the horse off the cliffs and the story is pretty great. I have to replay this game sometime after I finish my RD2 playthrough.

I've been playing this game since 2016 and I cannot stop playing this every once in a while.