in a world where art is being referred to as "content" and is constantly overflowing us, it's no surprise that getting over it is remembered as a dumb twitch-bait game that got really popular and then sorta fell off over time, probably because something new appeared and grabbed everyone's attention until that too died off. nowadays, art is disposable, and seemingly only consumed because everyone else is consuming it so it can be a topic of discussion for at least a short while. the tiny nooks and crannies of it go unnoticed, no one bothers with exploring and appreciating a piece of art's delicate intricacies, because, who the hell has the time for that now? what fool is going to go through a game like getting over it in its entirety, hell, who's gonna bother getting halfway through, when there's so many better ways to use up your time? i think this game understands that, interestingly. it acknowledges your freedom to do whatever you want with your time, and that if you stop caring about finishing this game, that's valid, but at the same time, you're not gonna get rewarded if you give up. the willingness to give your effort to art will result in the art giving back, and it's so, so worth it if you do.

if you think the gameplay/controls are bad you're weak lol. chaining together moves as a means of traversing to new areas and just constantly moving in flips and tricks is such a fun and awesome way to control a video game character and combining that with such stealth and action-heavy game design is like the perfect combo

(abandoned at clinger winger)
man i dunno i actually kinda fucked with this until clinger winger came along, savestates are peak technology but not even they can help with that level. otherwise yeah its balls difficult and not very fun but god could this have been like actually really good if it wasnt like that. i love the way the game is constantly throwing different things at you in terms of gameplay, its just a shame that it had to be so ballsy and precise and focused on masochistic difficulty bc this had so so much potential in my eyes

i love how cinematic this one can be, it just feels badass being the awesome cool contra man fighting all these crazy ass monsters and jumping through explosions n shit. unfortunately i feel like this can sometimes play a bit awkwardly and has the issue of occassional "Stupid Bull Shit". most notably the boss of level 5 is kinda complete nonsense in its second phase and the only way ive beaten it is by using up all my six lives that i had to use a bomb every time. the overhead levels in general feel very weird to control and are a stepdown from the 3d/overhead levels of the nes games. this one is still generally pretty cool tho and has only a couple things holding it down, its still contra so you're at least gonna have a bit of fun

(endings finished so far: all of them including the secret one)

yyyeah this goes really fucking hard lol. i kinda prefer the simplicity of the nes ones but i also absolutely adore the direction they went with, the whole multiple endings shtick is awesome and everything is just loads of fun to play through.
i do recommend getting a patched american version that brings back the 10 lives and 3 hitpoints from the japanese version if ur gonna play this tho. might make it almost too easy at points but also this IS a game where you die a lot. i would say its harder than the two nes ones but definitely easier than contra 3 if played the way i did at least

why of all possible objectives for a game about michael jackson did they decide it was gonna be saving children

very very fun, sophia controls really nicely and i enjoy the metroid-esque level design a lot. i'd say this one does what metroid tried to do miles better. unfortunately the top-down sections, most of the bosses and a few sloggy sections (mostly the stuff requiring me to deal with the wall upgrades) bring this down to only a 7 for me

what stuck out to me was that the combat felt genuinely animalistic. so many instances where im dealing with drones flying at me and slashing me and i'm just moving my mouse around like a zebra being attacked by a tiger or something

obviously with how huge this platform is it's a bit impossible to give it a proper rating, a 7 (edit: 6) just sort of makes sense due to all the good memories i've had in this. super golf is literally kino though

this was certainly a great surprise. i have a tendency to doubt the snes sometimes but this game greatly pushes the limit of what it's capable of doing, of course with some framerate issues but i didn't find them to be that bad. this is a fun romp if a little annoying in its difficulty, it's nice and short

who thought it was even remotely okay to put this here

i honestly think this game is incredibly flawed, with a lot of the puzzles being sort of bad due to their crypticness and the fact that a big part of these dungeons was really tedious to complete. however, the story, the music and the world this game creates is absolutely beautiful and absolutely won be over by the end. i'm definitely gonna remember the first time i entered hyrule fields and got filled with wonder for the world ahead of me. the combat is also really damn fun and the bosses especially stood out as awesome, so i guess in the end this is a pretty alright game

neat little gem. from what i've played and seen from treasure, their whole thing seems to be doing these absurdly awesome and cinematic 2d games and this one is no difference. three of these boss fights are just incredibly raw with multiple phases and crazy concepts, reminiscent of something from gunstar heroes or contra hard corps.
this game does a thing where it mixes actual 3d with the kind of pre-rendered 3d that donkey kong country did, and this gives the already cute artstyle a cool edge to it.
the gameplay is good, a lil hard to get used to at first but becomes pretty intuitive later on. a couple spots where the odd puzzles become a little cryptic, including one near the beginning of the game where you're just supposed to know which ball to wiggle. there's also an olympic games part where you basically have to button mash to win three seperate sprint races, each getting twice as long as the last one, which just felt stupid and reminded me of mario party or something. other than that, yeah the gameplay feels nice. it's overall a mostly easy game, with the exception of a couple notably tough bosses. if you like treasure's usual antics, definitely give this one a go

when you throw enough little guys at god he will die

stupid fuckint dolphin. this game is horrendously unfun to play man all that its got going for it is that is looks like vaper wave