hasn't aged well but it was great at the time and still has a certain charm.

graphically stunning, pretty music, a lot of fun moments for sure, combat system was fine. the story went off in some odd directions for the sake of expanding the original which again is like... fine, i guess. the voice acting was mediocre and threw me off tbh. no judgement to the cast, they all seem brand new - just not sure why you'd hire amateur VAs for such a high profile game, (especially since they literally have prolific VAs doing additional voices) but whatever. my main gripe with this game is that every single minor boss battle was absurdly, tediously long. idk, overall it was fun, not bad. didn't feel like the original ffvii to me but maybe it wasn't supposed to. i'm not quite getting the hype but maybe i need to play it again.

tbh i haven't played this but What the Fuck

so boring it cured my insomnia <3

i really wanted to like this game and i DID like parts of it. i was sorta fond of the main characters by the end, and the ending made me cry. but the story was basically indecipherable, the camera control during combat was horrific, and who the fuck is luna again? also oh my god please just STOP dropping 50 magitek assassins on me while i'm trying to peacefully sidequest