193 Reviews liked by korn_abliged

Let me start by saying that before playing this I had absolutely zero interest in it, WoW was fun for a short while but I kept playing for years just because some expansions were amazing but then the quality just dropped, but then it got good again and then we got shite. Therefore I wasn’t too keen on trying out Warcraft 1, 2 or 3. But I’m so fucking happy I did. I can’t be bothered to write a review for both Reign of Chaos AND The Frozen Throne, so I decided to just review the one I preferred the most instead.

The Frozen Throne introduced several new features and improvements that significantly enhanced my gameplay experience compared to the base game. One of the biggest new contributions is the addition of new hero units for each faction, which brought new unique abilities and strategic depth to the fights. It also added new units and building, which diversified the options available to you making it more fun than Reign of Chaos in my opinion.

The campaign is probably the biggest of the standout features here, which offered 3 main story arcs that followed the Night Elves, the Human-turned-Undead, and the Orcs, with even a bonus campaign that focused on the new hero Rexxas, which introduced a more kinda RPG-experience. These campaigns were absolutely amazing, offering rich narratives and a seamless continuation from Reign of Chaos.

Here I was wishing to talk about multiplayer but the truth is that I didn’t play it, apparently there was some bullshit with having to own the actual game physically and having to buy Reforged instead, so in the end I just said fuck it and only played through the singleplayer stuff. So next up, easily my favorite part of Warcraft III; the story and lore.

Coming from recent WoW is like night and day for me, the deep and engaging story and lore here is one of the most compelling aspects of The Frozen Throne. Central to this rich narrative is my favorite character in all of Warcraft / WoW; Arthas Menethil, whose tragic arc is one of the best and most memorable in gaming history in my opinion. Arthas, who begins as a noble paladin in Reign of Chaos, descends into darkness, becoming a death knight and ultimately one of the coolest antagonists of all time; The Lich King. His journey is a profound narrative of ambition, betrayal, and the corrupting influence of power.

Coming into this I wasn’t expecting to be as engaged by any character to this degree, but here I am. Arthas Menethil stood out as one of the most well-developed characters in the Warcraft-universe, hell even gaming as a whole. His transition from hero to villain is masterfully portrayed, offering a deep exploration of his character’s psyche and motivations. In The Frozen Throne, you’ll see his ruthless ascent to power, culminating in him claiming the Frozen Throne and merging with The Lich King. This transformation is not just a story of corruption but also a study of the tragic flaws and the consequences of a hero’s fall from grace.

Arthas’s story resonated with me personally due to its complexity; he is not a mere evil caricature but a tragic figure whose initial intentions were noble. His descent is gradual, marked by pivotal moments that highlight his internal struggle and ultimate surrender to darkness. This depth made Arthas a compelling character, eliciting both sympathy and revulsion from me and millions of others.

While I may have been late in the game, I can still recognize how influential this was and what a landmark title it was. Its combination of refined gameplay, rich lore and memorable characters like Arthas ensures its place in gaming history. This is truly what an expansion should be, not only building upon the strengths of Reign of Chaos but also introducing innovations that left lasting impacts for the genre. So if you’re like me wanting to check this out because of WoW, do so. Don’t hesitate, just play these damn games already.


-“My psychiatrist told me recently about some sort of 4 week depressive treatment thing where I gotta talk to someone like once a week or something. Then out of nowhere she told me that judging from my behavior and from what I’ve said in previous meetings the psychiatric ward is an option too. I obviously said I never want to go there and she said that eventually if your behavior and these constant thoughts stay the same or get even worse you might not even have a say in it. I try mentioning it slightly to my friends, but they make jokes annd laugh about it instead. I’ve never particularly liked my friends and I probably never will, their immaturity may be a way for them to cope with the heavier things I’ve said sometimes, but some sort of seriousness should be there at these times in my opinion. Sometimes I see some sort of adultery in there, but immediately afterwards it just goes back to childish behavior which I replicate because otherwise they might not talk to me, and then I got no one there. I’ve always had difficulties with friendships, I never had that one “bro” that lasted, no friend that I can talk to now that I’ve known for years. I was in a lot of friend groups before in school, but I wasn’t as funny, good looking, necessary as any other friend in it so I’m the end I’m just kind of forgotten.

In all honesty though I haven’t felt necessarily happy or satisfied for 13 years, my last relationship ended after just a month with her breaking up with me, and that was 14 years ago. Every day I’m pressured into doing so much by my parents, my job and behaving differently to fit how my friends act that I hate, yet I have never had any incentive for anything for years. It feels as if I have to please everyone around me and make everyone like me like I have to live up to the standards of my mom and dad. My dad was a great soccer player and has so many friends he’s known for decades, some maybe even since middle school. Then when I still lived there he’d ask why I don’t hang out with anyone after school, who am I supposed to hang with? I force myself to do the things I used to enjoy just to try to, I don’t even know, reminisce maybe? I want to play the piano, guitar and clarinet again, but each little mistake makes me want to just drop everything, break everything in the room and cry. I want to play games everyday for hours like I used to but now I can barely open the damn game, I force myself through everything everyday even though I’m not actually having fun anymore. It almost feels as if I play games for status, I might not be as acknowledged if I haven’t played “these” games. I want to play through every game I can so I can show others I’ve beaten it, it’s not for fun, it hasn’t been for a long time but I need the small attention I get from a like or a follow.

I was prescribed antidepressants years ago as well, but funnily enough they managed to only do the opposite effect. I’ve had problems with drugs before when I was younger, but these were the first ones that I was supposed to take. I never liked drugs honestly, I tried everything just for status, it was the cool thing to do. Obviously something so stupid would be cool for a 13 year old. I’d start drinking too to be like my brother, after I turned 17 I drank nearly once every 3 or so weeks together with my mom, stepdad and their friends and coworkers. Each time I’d drink to the point of blacking out. Every time I drank I’d wake up alone in my room, I hated myself every time. I wished for my mom’s friends to kiss me or give me more attention. I’d throw up sometimes too, and sometimes I’d start crying too. Then I would brag about it even, thinking I’d look cooler. Some stories were made with it though, like a school trip where I smoked on a hill with two other friends. But those stories were short, they weren’t interesting or unique. Once I said every story I had, then what? I started lying about myself, what I’d done in the weekend, what I tried before, just so seem like a more interesting and fun person. But sometimes I’d be caught, when I’d saying something contradicting to what I’d said before, those points were when I just wanted to cry and end it.

I’ve talked with school assigned therapists since the 3rd grade when I tried hanging myself with a jump rope, but now I actually have to pay them to listen to me ramble, which I don’t because never in my life have they ever helped. They sit there and listen to me spill all my secrets and then give some shit advice for me. My mind wanders all the time though, I can’t concentrate on what anyone says, any simple sentence turns unnecessarily complicated for me all the time. Everyday my mind just has to remind me of everything I hate, about what I’ve done, what’s happened to me, people I’ve hurt and myself. Remembering my mom coming home late yelling at me because I can’t open up to her, seeing her just keep drinking while trying to force me to talk about myself. Seeing her cry because I couldn’t express my feelings and just leaving the room without comforting her because I don’t know how to. I tell her I’m fine all the time, she demands me to tell her the truth but I just say that it is. I’m not lying to her to show her I’m okay, I’m just too weak to confront it all. I’m a pathetic person, I can’t handle criticism but I can’t handle praise either. I can’t handle my responsibilities and yet I refuse to be in the care of someone else. I want to be independent but I desperately need someone to be there for me. I don’t want to stand out but I’m need of attention. I’m even crying just writing this, that’s how pathetic I am. I tell people I don’t cry, but why do I even bother? I just want to be seen as mature and as a fully functional adult that doesn’t need to rely on someone else. But I need someone else’s guidance for me to act on everything.

My older brother was a huge inspiration for me when I was 12 and 13, drinking, smoking, drugs, I just did everything he did to be cool like him. But everyone just hated me instead, I was just embarrassing myself and I still to this day can’t get any of it out of my head. Then my little step brother took my father’s attention from me all the time. He was so strict with me when I was younger, but he never once said anything against the things my little step brother did that were much worse. I obviously couldn’t tell him to be more quiet or to stop, then I’d get scolded. I always hated my step mom and step brother, I could never tell dad how I felt either, about anything overall. So obviously they just had to be there every time I wanted to spend time with dad, I couldn’t stand them then and each time dad visits I just pray that they don’t come with him. The thoughts that forcefully race through my mind telling me to end it, wreck everything around me and beat or kill everyone around me have just become more frequent over the years. It’s gotten to a point where nowadays when I hold a knife my hand almost moves on its own for a second either pointing itself towards my stomach or putting it against my other hand’s wrist. Nothing and no one has helped all of it stop, so the psych ward it is then probably. End of my pretentious rant (sorry).“-


As you’ve probably noticed this is not a review of the game, this is a rant written by me yesterday between 2 - 3 AM (with some minor tweaks to make it more cohesive). The reason I’m doing this as my review is because this game has a big focus on the creator’s experience with depression. That’s at least how I interpreted the game. Therefore I, as someone who has been diagnosed with severe depression, used my rant as a way of showing my own experiences as well. So this is more or less a deep dive into how I feel and think, similar to what this game did minus the visuals and game aspects. The actual game is surprisingly good, I was hesitant at first because of the style (I’m not much for romantic visual novels) but the writing and scenarios got really damn good after the first date.


This is so fucking adorable, it nearly made me forget I’m allergic.


Jawdroppingly amazing, this was honestly such a pleasant surprise. I had already high hopes going into this because I adore Survival Horror, I was imagining it as a 7.5 maybe 8/10, but this game really just blew me out of the water. This is such an aesthetically pleasing game with extremely fun puzzles with tons of variety, a gorgeous aesthetic (which was only helped by the CRT mode that I used), an amazing story with on par lore, a good soundtrack, interesting characters, cool survival horror mechanics and just phenomenal gameplay. I adore this game so much, it’s probably one of my favorite games of all time even. If you have this game just rotting in your game library like I have for a year, just try this game already trust me.




”They’re not us.”

Holy fuck this game is so underrated and overlooked, takes everything that Amnesia had but amps it up to the highest level there is. Frictional games have truly mastered horror with this game, I can’t even copy and paste shit on my computer without thinking about Soma. The atmosphere is great, the horror is superb and the story is fucking amazing. Most of the monsters are cool, the gameplay got a little repetitive and some sections were annoying by the end but nothing that completely ruined it. The visuals were a big upgrade from Amnesia and my god that ending was just a straight up masterpiece, my only gripe with the ending is that I wish the sequence after the credits was just removed in my opinion. Other than that I had a mostly amazing experience, definitely better than Amnesia and deserves more attention.


MW (2019: What if we made MW1, but a tad bit worse?

MW2 (2022): What if we made MW2, but kinda worse?

MW3 (2023): Fuck you.

Pretty disappointed, graphics were changed which is fine I just prefer the old graphics. Then some of the gameplay aspects were unnecessarily changed as well and for the worse.

This game also just frustrated me more with the Twinmold boss for example just never ending and some places being much more annoying due to the unnecessary gameplay changes. Still the same game though so at least an 8.5/10.

I’m not a huge fan of MMO’s so a 4/10 would’ve been no surprise to me, but the ideas this game had was interesting enough to keep playing solo for a while which not many MMO’s have. The game was even a fun at some points even though I despise the genre, so a 6/10 but nothing higher. Didn’t finish it and never will probably, but it’s not necessarily bad.

Very short but good game. Great aesthetic, good puzzle and some cool facts at the end. Solid 6/10

I don’t like MMO’s, but I’ll admit that this was ok. It’s a little better than FFXI and some other MMO’s, it’s still just not for me, but I’d still give it a 6.5/10.

Again like I said in FF7R, this game’s visuals, characters and music is absolutely amazing. HOWEVER, I was already a little off put by the changes in story and presentation, as well as some other more minor things in the 2020 Remake and here they made even more changes. Also as I said before, if it were the entire original remade into one game it would've been given a higher score, but because of this structure I am merely rating this part.

Specifically kinda ruining the most tragic, impactful and iconic scene (my favorite scene) from the original, you know which one, this game is still amazing and adds things that build character development and more content. Although some of that content also just feels padded out for a longer runtime, it also gives more time for smaller interactions between the characters.

So I’m mostly satisfied but again do not prefer the changes made. I'd instead really recommend playing through the original to experience it the best way, at least first then you can play this too if you want. Also the ending was a bit disappointing personally.


Underrated and definitely deserves more recognition. I hope that someday we’ll get that true Berserk game, this might not be it but it’s at least the best we’ve gotten so far.


The controls here are absolutely horrendous at times, but when it works it’s a fun game. The graphics are pretty good for 1996 and the style overall with the look of the loading screens for example is pretty cool. It’s also just really hard after the first 2 levels, but that’s expected from arcade games.




One of, if not the most beautiful game I’ve ever played visually. The picturesque graphics and cutscenes combined with a fittingly gorgeous soundtrack makes for a really good and memorable game personally. Also, some might be hesitant to buy it considering it’s length, but I’ve always said that length doesn’t equal quality, and I still after this game stand by that. This game took me about 3 hours, and apart from bigger games where you might expect to find some slog throughout the experience or at least once, here it’s full quality from start to finish. I’d even go so far as to say that the length accommodates the gameplay, with simpler gameplay mechanics like these it’ll eventually get repetitive and stale, so a shorter experience works here in my opinion.

One of my only negatives is that the gameplay is very simplistic, I think this works for a game such as this, but I just prefer more interesting mechanics and gameplay. I’d also say that by the end it got just a tad bit repetitive, but nothing you can’t get through easily. All the puzzles in this game are also really easy, I don’t want “bash your head against the wall” and “trial & error” puzzle difficulty, but at least some sort of challenge. No puzzle here really challenges what you’ve learned throughout the game at that point and that’s a bit of a shame personally. Also a lot of the themes this game throws at you is probably handled well and shown in a great way, I’m just too stupid to really understand it, but I still like it. Anyways, this game is a near must-play in my opinion. Short, sweet and absolutely beautiful, almost no reason not to try it.


Celebrated for its narrative sophistication, “Marry Me, Misato!” ingeniously unfurls within the intricate tapestry of the “Neon Genesis Evangelion” mythos, focusing with fervent dedication on the enigmatic persona of Misato Katsuragi. A testament to its thematic ambition, the game intricately weaves a narrative tableau that provocatively explores the interstices of love, longing, and existential yearning within its central protagonist.

At its core, the gameplay mechanics serve as a conduit for narrative progression, affording players a nuanced agency in steering the course of their journey. Through deftly crafted dialogues and morally weighty decisions, players are enhanced in a labyrinth of diverging paths, each beckoning toward an array of climactic denouements.

Augmenting this narrative odyssey is the exquisite visual tableau, which, while perhaps lacking the polish of mainstream counterparts, exudes an evocative aesthetic that admirably evokes the hauntingly atmospheric ambience of royal queen Misato’s world. Complementing this visual splendor is a meticulously curated auditory accompaniment, suffused with melodic motifs that ensnare the senses and evoke a poignant resonance with the thematic undertones.

Central to the game’s allure is its emphasis on character development, wherein the protagonist’s multifaceted persona is meticulously parsed through a tapestry of interpersonal dynamics and emotional reckonings. Supporting characters too, such as Bystander #1 & Bystander #2, are imbued with narrative gravitas, their nuanced interplay as both catalyst and consequence within the unfolding drama.

A tour de force in narrative branching, “Marry Me, Misato!” boasts a superlative replay value, inviting players to traverse a labyrinthine expanse of divergent pathways, each proffering a kaleidoscope array of denouements. It is within this dynamic interplay of choice and consequence that the game’s true brilliance shines, enshrining it as a magnum opus within the pantheon of fan-driven interactive storytelling.

In summation, “Marry Me, Misato!” stands as an exemplar of narrative ingenuity and thematic resonance, offering a transcendent journey into the labyrinthine recesses of one of anime’s most iconic characters. Its marriage of narrative sophistication, visual splendor, and evocative storytelling renders it not merely a game, but a profound testament to the enduring power of interactive art.
(sorry for bad English)