"Sometimes you get stuck. Sometimes you go numb. The color drains away. You stop trying, and that just feeds the spiral going down.
Maybe you'll get lucky one day. You see yourself in the mirror and snap out of it. But for some of us...it takes more.
A friend. A stranger. A story. A helping hand."

"Can I offer you a nice knickknack in these trying times?"

"At the end of the day, it feels right."

how can a game hate the player so much

"There's a white mist inside my head.
Everything is mixed with everything else and I can't tell what from what.
I want someone to prove to me that I am the person that I know I am."

"Her hollow laughs had given way to bitter, dry sobs."

"There is a warmth and sadness in me at the thought of people.
Fresh tears on a winter's day.
They are not like us.
They do not last."

"There's nothing I hate more than people who ridicule what others hold dear."

"I'm hopeful for the future, and all it took was a taste of the past."

"The endless patter of rain on the street creates a wordless song."

"We fall to hunger, thirst, and exposure as we beg for scraps to a sovereign who promises a better life.
Are the great works of great figures measured by that which they trample?"

"I'm scared that it'll be the last time I said good night to her."

"The most wistful of melodies."

"If I'm the only one who can do it, I'll do it.
Even if I get thrown to the wolves, I'll just have to find a way to survive.
Running away is only a last resort.
Until then, hear me roar."

"Lands that stretched on forever. Skies one could drown in.
The heartbeat of nature, silent yet strong.
And amidst it all a people. Beacons of light and life.
Laughter that warmed my heart like naught else before.
They are my meaning and my purpose. My love."