103 reviews liked by kotonoha

I don't care what the haters say. This game was great.



I have entered the yume nikki fangames arc



haha yeah i love dying and bleeding and organs and literally coming apart at the seams ! i Love coughing blood

A mediocre dating sim with the dullest combat system. Doesn't let you date the creepy stalker OR the monster, so idk if there is anything for me.

Worse than BOTW, the ultra hand mechanics r just worse than the original tablet ones imo. Story was just barebones - it's just BOTW but again because that made lots of money.


I want whatever y’all are smoking

well I actually played the game and finished it. So I can say its a very good game I would recommend it.

the dog sex scene made me cum #ThankYouSCA-DI