I have no earthly clue how I racked as many hours as I did on the various platforms I've played this on. Conceptually it feels like it should be an almost maddeningly boring game but it has a certain way of sucking you into the benign world of your Sims that I can't really articulate.

The negative rating is so obviously because the sequels (mostly) improve on every aspect of this game. It's a decent flash game, but it just feels like the bones without any meat that would be added on in the future.

Looks, plays, and sounds lovely - the perfect analog aesthetic of finding some ancient floppy disc from a cursed garage sale and imagining whatever must be locked up inside. Sadly the most crucial aspect of a visual novel - the story - is lacking. Some of the overarching elements - the fight between Satan and God, the Noid Men, pretty much the entire Monkey arc - certainly have potential but usually feel too afraid to go all the way or shed the lackadasical skin and pop-culture references which line the game at the most inopportune of times.

Definitely the best Scribblenauts game, the mere addition of adjectives was a genius yet incredibly easy to think of idea and was implemented wonderfully into the puzzles.


The colour-changing mechanic is very well-implemented. It allows for all sorts of puzzle-solving options and can be done on the fly. The way it fits into the short yet sweet story is nice, if a bit boring and undeveloped.

Takes a bit more getting used to than the game before - I know when I first started this game I thought it was way too esoteric to challenge TD5's undisputable crown over the series - but once you get use to the new systems it is very enjoyable and sprawling in content very much like its prequel.

You can just look up the Special Dessert scenes and jack off to them on YouTube, the maps here are all janky and laden with difficulty spikes for no particular reason

Perhaps the first 2D game to cross the bridge into 3D and stick the landing, Risk of Rain 2 takes Risk of Rain and makes it mechanically rich, more graphically unique and - most importantly - a far more enjoyable play.

It looks okay? That's really the only praise I can harbour towards it. I've tried to analyze the deeper themes of this game - and in doing that I obviously assumed that they exist. But unless every bit of it has completely flown over my head, this is just a game for fakedeep 14 year olds and YouTubers to wtf to.

Genuinely had fun playing this. There are no overarching gameplay issues, no graphical or aural oversights, nothing that would make this game read as offensively bad other than the obvious focus on Rage Comics. It's fun to mow through the enemies here, but I'll acknowledge that if not for the meme content this would definitely just be another game in the depths of itch.io or GameJolt.

You'd think this game would be bad by the premise. Putting aside the fact that it is by most metrics a "meme" game, the trials in Squid Game aren't designed with fair chances or skill in mind. They are very deliberately designed to instigate paranoia, hostility and fear among those who participate and often run on systems such as dumb luck to really push in the frustration.

Despite this, Crab Game just manages to be skill-based enough - and its physics goofy enough - to be an enjoyable time with friends or in public lobbies.

A lot of fun. You'll probably have to play it with friends as the game is completely dead, but this is the ideal way to play it anyways. The selection of power ups and the general feeling of leading hundreds of tiny men towards their instant deaths to capture a point is just a great time. I will never get the scream sound out of my head

Mediocre puzzle game that is only popular, especially to the extent that it is, due to the character designs. But you already knew that

Weird and hard to control, but addicting for no discernable reason. I admire the pro players of this game because I could never reach that level, not in 100 years. I also like the customization in this game a lot but I realize that may not be much of a point especially when I have to run this game on minimum graphics to run it on my computer

Among the best balances of "hard" and "fair" mechanics I've ever seen. With very scarce exception every situation can be in some way navigated around and every death can be attributed to a strategic oversight you realize right as it happens.