The underdog to the Yuppie Psycho.
A good game that is a must play for the fans of the latter.

Endings can be pretty lame tho. Not to say they ruined it for me, but they felt underwhelming.

"The game that's only as violent as you are."

I genuinly believe this game is a miracle. The devs were (and probably still are) complete asshats, so the fact we got such a tasteful (in comparison to other games in the series) punk game, before the inevitable fall from grace, is quite shocking.

This game will make you install mods, tweak the sandbox settings, all in order to try to avoid the inevitable. Death.

You will be so op, you'll be unstoppable!! Oh wait, what? Why did you trip? Oh f*ck, that window had glass shards. And the house had an alarm?

Stop avoiding the inevitable.

Early game can be very fun, but gets stale really quickly. And through the updates over the years it became clear that filling that void of the mid-game is not in the devs' priorities. If you dont have any friends to play with, definetly pass this one

Possibly the best remake there ever will be as it was made so soon after the release of the original yet made it better in EVERY way. This game is the reason why people think the original was good. MUST PLAY for any horror fan

A game with great artstyle, music and atmosphere. For some reason the game ends before all the character story arks are concluded which makes an ending (which on itself was underwhelming) becoming even more dissapointing.

On the characters themselves: most of them are just straight up weird and i did not find a way to connect to them on an emotional level and i cant pin point the reason why. You can tell a lot of effort went into them so thats kinda sad.

Should've gone more for having sweet short stories in a single trip instead of trying to fit into the Life Is Strange-esque "Your Choices Matter!" type of game, which hurt the theme and pushed away the focus of the game from YOU and the ROAD onto 6 different whoevers which for some reason are travelling ALL OVER the country

Pretty fun for the while before it gets repetitive. 1/3 of the game in i had enough but when i realised it was only the beginning that really frustrated me.


Interesting world, amazing artstyle, great music. Lacking combat.

I present you another project consumed by greed. It was fun back in the day. I would prefer if this one just utterly failed tho. Its for everyones good tbh.

Love the artstyle and the music. Gameplay is fiiiine. coudlve been better though.

Easily one of the best soundtracks in the whole Sonic series. Iconic Metal Sonic race. Loved that one. Oh... Right. The game doesnt end there. Yeah, this one is mid.

Iconic, atmospheric. The remake just doesnt stand up to this one. Never will

Got review bombed for having a hype phase. Fair enough. Edgy offspring of PTR. Hit or miss songs, the modding scene definetly outdid the creators in polishing this game. Overall id defnetly prefer if this game did not exist