One of those games that really sticks with you for a long time. Maybe even for the rest of your life.

Hotline Miami if it was good

Left a strong impact but in retrospective mediocre at best.

Strong start for the series. A game with one of the worst level designs i played. Thats really the only thing wrong with this game and it drags it down massively

Very fun but way too easy.

The visuals are nice. Its said to be a great game but it seems like it didnt age well. Boring, the middle part was fun i guess. The mountain level made me snore, it was sooo boring.

The visual design holds up. Gameplay is mid. Plot was intersting, but writing this review a few months makes me realise i did not remember anything. Overall it was nice to go back to the characters you liked but that doesnt warrant this games existence. Also, the villains in this one are the same thing, just new faces.

Dont get all the praise this one gets. Fun at times but only at times it literally copies whats already been done in previous entries of the series. Also REALLY not a fan of graphics in this one. Everything looks like a toy.


Great game, fun mechanics, plot is pretty good for a game of this scale. Scratched the "Bioshock" itch for me.

Big step up from the first one. Still not perfect but overall pretty good.

Most of the game is good. F*ck the ending. In other words, great setup, terrible punchline. Im serious, minus two stars for the end.

LoL for FPS players. Sucks the life out of you. Dont waste your time on this one, put it in something more worthy. Im telling that from experience.

One of the best RPGs you can play. If you see this and question if you should play, DONT. This one is a MUST