Most emotional a game has ever made me

Peak only when it wants to be. Atrocious framerate lol

Kino. Saved me when it dropped, finallllyyy a game that I can finish and not be bored at any point, bang for your buck for sure. Love the hell outta mercenaries, zero complaints, all fun all gas

DEFINITION OF EPIC. GOTY. MECH FANS DREAM. I LOVEEE ROBOTSSSS. i bought this on a whim too on a week that i shouldn’t have shelled out money on a game but zero regrets. no glitches, no crashes, all gas, so much variety, literally a mech fan’s roleplay dream too

So much fun. I feel like a 2000s zoomber. GOAT soundtrack. Thank you so much Team Reptile

BEAUTIFUL GAME AND A DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT FROM THE ORIGINAL IN EVERY SIN(EXCEPT THE FUCKIN VOICE ACTING GODDAMMMITTT THE JAPANESE IS FIRE BUT I WANTED MY OF VOICES)GLE WAYYYYY SOO KINO. my only complaints is you deadass have to GRIND at a certain point and it was unfun for like a day or two but then I was OP as fuck going up against bosses after grinding. Oh, and…..


The absolute definition of kino. I love the hell outta this game and I’m so thankful I finally got a console I’m able to play it on. I was a MGS fan in my youth (I’m talking 9-13 yrs old) and never revisited it or got to play MGR and revisiting it 10 years after the last MGS I played was a treat and made me feel like a kid again. Jetstream Sam GOAT btw and is Brazilian Vergil


This ain’t God of War. The concept is cool and the aesthetics are awesome, and at first, Kratos being how he is is very captivating but after a while it just gets tired. You can’t even jump, enemies will gank you from the back and you can’t do anything about it because the new camera angle, the rage system is insanely simple, the combat button scheme is not good, listen, I get what they were going for but c’mon.

Arthur GOAT. John GOAT. Most alive world in any game ever, controls could occasionally be better but who cares

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The greatest game of all time, until it isn’t. Takes a dip in quality when you get to Mountaintop of the Giants, then a tremendous nosedive at Crumbling Farum Azula until you get to the greatness of Maliketh, one of the greatest bosses, I had hope too when going back to Leyndell and having another one of the greatest bosses in Hoarah Loux, the epicness of Radagon, only to get hit with the bullshit that is the Elden Beast. This game is so good and consistent and then it just isn’t. True shame. Bloodborne way better

dad accidentally got me this instead of special edition when i was a kid and it made me a vet

worst yakuza gameplay by far, still a great story tho

best souls soundtrack, best atmosphere, best bosses, ALL UP UNTILLL you get to a certain point in the game in a certain very dark area. that is all i will say.

GOATed. you can be so creative with your kills, smart A.I, great story, great lore and level design, great soundtrack, cmon