For a game that was initially developed as a DLC i think it’s amazing, and people have to bear this in mind when playing. Visually stunning and adds so many more layers to Chloe. Loved her and Nadine’s relationship development too and overall it’s just a great little game for Uncharted fans.

Playing with friends makes everything enjoyable so basically, funny co-op experience is the only thing that makes this garbage worth while.

Ashley Tisdale’s character was the face of the game just to get overshadowed by a racist, white war criminal and his bizarre friendship with an Iraqi soldier.

It’s kinda like, the best thing ever :D.

Completed first run and then platinumed right after at ng+2. Elden Beast ruins an otherwise pretty perfect game also the difficulty is sort of odd, at least for me. Fire giant was the hardest mandatory boss and Malenia was good but the rest were disappointingly easy at times (Elden Beast just terrible).

Also some of the boss locations are ridiculous but more power to open world I suppose. Still enjoyed it (played it thrice back to back) and the open world is genuinely really beautiful + combat is fun.

Gameplay doesn’t bother me much considering I played it on my non foldable 2ds. While it can be repetitive in terms of missions, Roxas’ story and little lines are heartbreaking to read. Highly recommend playing it alongside watching the cutscene movie as the story really is worth it.

Cheesy horror game done right, replayed about 3 times and still jumped at a few scares. Mike and Emily top 2!!!


This game caused irreversible damage to my ps4 but it was worth it.

Great introduction to the Telltale series, even more enjoyable as fan of the Batman franchise AND with friends to discuss choices with crowd play.

PERFECT ending to the Uncharted series. Landed the perfect conclusion and felt extremely satisfying with great gameplay. This is how you reward your previous players while bringing something new and refreshing to the table.

3 and a half stars for 1. Making insecure about my skills but 2. Cheesy fun

Wholesome Uncharted goodness. Desert segment had me on my knees though.

Wish I was a silly little cowboy skinning silly little rabbits on a path to redemption after slaughtering many men.