This game had the perfect set up but the endings were so dookies it felt like I’d wasted 57 hours. I spent most of it exploring the open world bc cyberpunk settings are always my fave, and they did it well but god the dialogue dragged and the main mission just started getting boring as hell compared to side jobs.

The visuals, world building and Johnny really carried it though, and I enjoyed them aspects but in the end it felt like a chore to complete the story and that’s what really bugged me.

Just vibes and very chill ones. Unfortunately the ending made me exceptionally depressed. Also the gameplay is a little tiny bit subpar but a very beautiful game indeed.

Don’t listen to what the haters say baby, u did nothing wrong.

What’s the point of all this shit if I can’t fight the final stage with my buddy? :(

Naughty Dog need a kiss for this one.

Last part of the game genuinely made me so infuriated and miserable but the ending, overall story and fun puzzles make it very charming and i don't regret it.

Completed first run and then platinumed right after at ng+2. Elden Beast ruins an otherwise pretty perfect game also the difficulty is sort of odd, at least for me. Fire giant was the hardest mandatory boss and Malenia was good but the rest were disappointingly easy at times (Elden Beast just terrible).

Also some of the boss locations are ridiculous but more power to open world I suppose. Still enjoyed it (played it thrice back to back) and the open world is genuinely really beautiful + combat is fun.

It’s kinda like, the best thing ever :D.

Don’t think too hard about it and just have fun. The acting is phenomenal and a very fun experience in co op.

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Hearing Darth Vader’s theme at the end when he fought Cal was enough to excuse the dreadful map layout and getting lost every time you tried to get back to the Mantis.

Ashley Tisdale’s character was the face of the game just to get overshadowed by a racist, white war criminal and his bizarre friendship with an Iraqi soldier.

Playing with friends makes everything enjoyable so basically, funny co-op experience is the only thing that makes this garbage worth while.