nice graphical updates from the previous games

Hall of fame included: 5 voltorbs level 50-60 with self destruct, 1 snorlax with sleep and 99 revives in my bag.

jaydon wanted to play with me and never played again.

lots of memories of playing this and watching Brandon Roger's "Theater Class" series on YouTube.

story mode made me cry a little. not lying

my brother shat on me in this game

cutting dudes, getting to see what kind of new skill you will unlock, hack n slash.

becoming a pirate only costs $29.99

no scurvy.

sunk so many hours into this game when I was younger, simple gameplay that can stack up quickly

hardcore game, not for me but cool mechanics

Very cool psychological horror game.

Other than the annoying grinding quests (AKA kill 200 bicycle monsters), the soundtrack and childhood memories are strong with this game.


If i was more into hardcore gameplay, i would really like this game