playing with a drifting joystick was the next level challenge

i started playing this when roblox highschool was peak and made many many interesting and weird memories, spent a lot of time on royal high but then dropped roblox in 2020 and now all the avatars are so cool wtf

for years every day after school, i would play this, the cutest rabbit and seal, i had all the rare collectables, begged my mum for one month membership after winning a piano competition, became the hot wolf, played every single game, got traumatised by the educational video about leeches, did every event, but.. I MADE NO FRIENDS. i was mute (irl and online too ig) i literally said nothing for years and just played alone and did my own thing which is so weird thinking back. I only played with my irl friends. ALSO IM SO SAD MY ACC GOT DELETED BACK WHEN IT GOT HACKED

the first ever videogame i played at 6 years old

so beautiful and relaxing, the people here are the kindest. the aurora collab event was one of the most stunning experiences ever. It was so gorgeous visually and her voice i can melt to. experiencing this game with a friend is so fun and silly too

help me i'm so addicted the fact you can see the hours played is terrifying

how to have a mental breakdown: play this

beautiful set up and lore and everythign BUT THE WRITING MAKES IT SO FLAWED and people forget to watch kingsglaive that gives it context and then all the other lore and information you have to find in other content and read and you have to play all the dlc to get the lore but they also just dump it onto you with text (ardyn) ? and then the story rushes at the end and you're like wtf is going on but you still cry and sob and scream at the end because it is beauiful stunning amazing heartbreaking the relationships and friendships in this game IS SO REAL I WAS WITH THEM THROUGHOUT THE JOURNEY people who say lunafreya and noctis had no depth I DISAGREE sure she --- early but throughout the game you still see how important she is to noctis and in all the other content it shows also ALTISSIA IS FAV CITY the roadtrip atmosphere is perfect but driving everywhere does get annoyibg unless you wanna relax into the road trip friendship atmosphere and it does get so chorey but i dropped the sidequests to finish the story in 40 hours and then did sidequests and other dungeons after, i finally got the last royal arms and it's like more than 80 hours , fav sidequest would be the collab ones becaue they're actually really interesting and fun with new character interactions while the other sidequests literally just hunting and collecting stuff for people in return for some shallow friendship. leviatham most EPIC INSANE BOSS FIGHT (but now ffxvi tops it off ofc) and other ones pretty cool combat is janky though i just button mash and dodge tbh idrk how else to use it except warping and blindside dmg , the movements get janky cause i glitch into areas and get stuck while im being bashed and my hp falls. also ardyn is such a underated villain his backstory is so good and he's such a interesting character. nonetheless, beautiful game, i wish versus ffxiii will come true one day , anyone that loves friendship bonding stories should play (note to self: finish the last 2 scary dungeons)

amazing spectacular stunning jawdropping vulumscious delicious i have watched playthrough once then played the story twice now i am trying to 100% it on hard mode