One of the 'edgy' arcade games I never enjoyed.

Way better than it has any right to be. A great graphical style, super fun controls and levels, and good enemy designs.

An alright platformer, although I didn't feel too much of a compulsion to keep going. Very pretty.

Definitely some problems - way too complicated for beginners, definitely glorifying colonialism, constant balance and design issues - but still one of my favourites ever. Will easily play this for dozens of hours in bursts... probably not good for you.

It's decent, but it feels lacking in a lot of ways. Designing ships is very complex but combat never comes down to more than "who has the best ships," and is often unnecessary. The game slows down as you run out of exploration options, both literally and figuratively. A lot of the customization isn't as deep as you'd hope, and you very quickly begin to see the same events over and over again, removing the novelty. Feels like the Paradox style just doesn't quite work with a more randomly generated 4X game.

Bad in many regards but it can be fun. I wish the enemies didn't look like that! Also gets repetitive.

A fun game and I'll always play it, but not incredible. It always feels like I'm missing something.

Unmatched fun, no game quite like it.

Pretty fun and I loved it as a kid. Nowadays it doesn't hold up quite as well.

A very underrated puzzle game that is extremely tense. You will feel the clock running down on you.

Possibly better than the second in the series, although not too notably different. Good levels continue.

Extremely fun puzzle game with great mechanics, art style, music, and levels.

Good puzzles, even if I was disappointed as a kid that it wasn't more like the predecessor.

The only Spyro game I played as a kid, and I loved it. The ambiance is really cool and the abilities are interesting, and the game is hard enough to be fun.

Enjoyed a lot as a kid, even if I didn't really understand what was quite happening with Rayman.