I love bein' a Turtle!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Turtles, count it off!

1, 2, 3, 4 (Turtles!)
There's no one better (Turtles!)
Watch out for Shredder (Turtles!)
They're like no others (Turtles!)
Those teenage brothers

I have so many emotions right now after finishing MoD. The story was, of course, the big highlight of the game but man did the characters shine in this one. Everything was a step up from Prelude, especially the gameplay. Just a fucking fantastic game.

Loved the three paths and how they eventually come together. The cast was great and I loved them all so much. These are now my favorite games right behind BW/BW2.

What a fucking game. I didn't know how much this series was going to impact me but fuck man. I'm honestly at a loss for words but I can confidently say this is one of my favorite pieces of media ever. A fantastic end to the story of these games. THATS MY MC!!!!!!!

It's crazy that this was an indie passion project by a single person. The game was not perfect or some kind of world-beater but it definitely had a lot of love put into it. I loved the characters, the story dipped a bit in the middle but was enjoyable as a whole. The game looks really nice and makes the most of the sprite art. I enjoyed the battle system and the customization that came with it. I thought the OST was pretty solid and kept me nodding while playing. All-in-all, Chained Echoes was an enjoyable game that I'd recommend.

The story was basic but enjoyable, and I liked the cast a good amount. The gameplay was fun as hell for the most part and had some good map variety. The OST had a lot of bangers so I'll for sure be giving it some plays after this.

Wow. I loved the party in this so much it hurts to be finished with their journeys. Each story felt fresh and engaging while still finding small ways to connect the party. First time in a good while that I've felt compelled to want to see the entire world of a game like this. I found myself getting lost often and enjoying every second of it. also the music is FIRE.

I had a lot of fun running around as samurai Kiryu. The story kinda dips in the middle but the finale was pretty fucking fire. I loved the combat styles too.

What a good ass time. It was of course a bit fan servicey but I was all for that. It filled in a handful of the blanks I had on my mind and I enjoyed the story overall. Some good gameplay improvements on already good gameplay. They went hard with the music once again. All-in-all, a great way to end this saga of games. I'll miss them.

As great as it's chalked up to be. A very engaging plot and I felt so invested in the party's plight and struggles. For the most part I thought it was fine pacing wise but there is a little bit of bloat here and there. Combat was fun and the music was fantastic. All-in-all, great game.

This playthrough was a bit of a rollercoaster for me in terms of my enjoyment. In the end, I can say that I liked Final Fantasy XVI quite a bit. On the positive side, I loved Clive and his personal story a lot. I thought the combat was fun and the game had some of my favorite boss fights ever. The game managed to tug at my heart strings, and I'll always give a plus to one that does.

I felt a bit let down when it came to the story as a whole. I enjoyed it but it had some rough patches. The pacing was not great, but I think Clive being as interesting as he is held a lot of the slower moments together. Another place where I was let down was the cast. I came away enjoying characters like Cid, Gav, Jill, and my boy Goetz. I just wish there was more to some of them. With the mentioned rough patches and lackluster side quests, I definitely felt like there was room for it.

Bringing it back around, Final Fantasy XVI certainly was epic as it promised. The music was fantastic, and it definitely brought the spectacle visually. I found the overall world and its problems interesting. There are a few side quests that genuinely had me pulled into it and wanting more. Clive is so fucking cool man.

Also, Torgal is such a good boy.

The story was a great ride with quite a few surprises. Yagami and Kaito are a cool as hell duo. Going around Kamurocho with them was so fun. My favorite side quests in any RGG game I've played and one of my favorite final bosses.

Very much enjoyed the opening story of Honkai: Star Rail. It's a breath of fresh air compared to their previous game Genshin Impact which felt like I was reading tons of text all for nothing. The characters are genuinely enjoyable, and it feels like the team put a lot of love into making the best JRPG they could in the unfortunate gacha mold. Also, March 7th is a hilarious name for any thing but I love her so much.

This was fine? Just a small update with a Yakuza cabaret-like mini game. I had a good time with it.

Honestly way too short but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The new location introduced was the coolest thing in the game so far and there was some good music too. Excited to see what's next.