After mulling over 4 some more I realized I had a lot of problems with it but this game knocked a lot of them. Loved the returning MCs and the fun new addition. This game got me emotional in a way I haven't been since Y2 and it quickly became my favorite of the remastered games. The finale was raw as hell and they were cutting onions putting that one together.

A great ending to the Kiryu saga. The story got to me in a way that none of the games have since Y0. I loved the Hirose family and the similarities between them and Kiryu. Y6 really had everything I loved about the series and Kiryu in one game. Sad to see my boy go but glad he got sent off well.

Still in love with this cast of characters. I found the original story to be pretty weak compared to the other games in the series but it had some great highs. The new Royal portion of the story was a welcome addition and honestly, I really wish it was the main focus of the original story. Would've liked it a lot more. While I find the Royal additions to now be my favorite part of the game, I don't think this game should've been another full release but that is what we got. All in all, still a well-polished game with good characters and a fun story.

Great game start to finish and boy that last case was one of my favorite cases ever. This game is contending for my top spot in the series so I'm excited to see what the next game brings. Legit a highlight reel of the best things of Ace Attorney and improved on. The most creative game when it comes to gameplay and I loved that.

Hoping all new games are something similar to this one or better. 2nd favorite for me behind BW2.

Dragged quite a bit but the ending was mad cool.

Yeah, that was everything I was told it was and some. Fantastic story with cast I love to death. It took me a while to get to this but I'm so so glad that I did. Shulk Xenoblade is the goat.

Pretty sweet extra story to play through after finishing the main game. I enjoyed meeting some different characters and seeing how things ended up after the main story ended. Had a good time with this. Also, I love Tyrea.

What a return to form. Loved the cast so much and felt like everyone got their due for the most part. I loved getting to see the grittier side of this world that we've only been told about for the most part. The story had me engaged from the opening moments. Really enjoyed the new battle system and pretty much all the new additions. Connect events were very enjoyable and a great change from bonding events in CS. Van made a strong case to potentially be my favorite Trails MC.

I thought the story was just as good if not better than the first game but what set it apart was the cast. I just loved going around with this crazy mix of characters. There were a few things I wish we got more of but in the end I loved the game. Also, the combat in this game was genuinely pretty fun and I had a good time with it.

Genuinely sad that I finished this game because I didn't want to stop being with these characters. I didn't think it'd top Ys VIII for me but it did and some. Combat was also fun as hell. Definitely an all-timer for me.

I didn't think I'd get as emotional as I did with mostly a new cast in such a short amount of time but here I am. Seeing things referenced in the main game and getting to know these characters was really nice. The gameplay was improved upon a lot from the main game and as per usual, the music slapped. The biggest negative was the pretty much forced side questing which I didn't enjoy at all. All-in-all, Torna was a really good time.

Ichi is the best. The story was great with a shit ton of raw moments. Going from mainly being solo in previous games to a party system in this game was a little worrying but all the characters hit for me and I loved learning more about them. The gameplay was good albeit basic but it definitely still felt like a Yakuza game and allowed for expression in ways that the previous system did not. Fantastic game from start to finish and I can't wait to see where Ichi goes next in his story.

I fucking loved all characters to death. Another great story but the characters and their interactions with each other sets XC3 apart for me. Combat was the best in the series and was addicting and for the first time in this series, I felt excited to do side content. This is Xenoblade at its best.

That was some crazy ass shit. It's been a while since a story genuinely had me confused about where I was going next at every turn but every time I thought I had something figured out, the game turned it on its head. I had to apologize to a couple of the characters for suspecting them hard. Date and Aiba are the best.