Actually just peak. It's like if all your 7-16 year old dreams were a videogame

If you wanted more movement and an action framework, this game is great for that, if you wanted the challenge of the original with the unique quirks that make hit hard to learn and master, you might not have the same enjoyment. I personally enjoy this one more than RoR2 but both have their merits.

Compared to the prior game, which whilst charming has it's flaws, SDRA2 is one of those fangames that you could actually recommend to someone who just enjoys the series at a passing level, rather than being knee-deep into it. It does the fun thing of understanding what it is, and playing with your expectations at every turn, whilst still being in a way that's satisfying and doesn't blindside you out of nowhere. Case quality is honestly some of the better in the series. Although I would recommend at least reading the plot summary of the first game before jumping into this one, because the first game's plot factors into this one in some fun ways. Rated higher specifically due to how impressive of a fan-game this is.

A weird game, that I probably enjoyed more than I should have, but has some good qualities non-the-less. I really like most of the cases, even if they have a bit of a problem of being a little too close to the official games, but it at least tries to be original in some ways that make some of the twists stand out. The translation job is still pretty spotty, so unless you watched that youtube video on how to read Korean you're not gonna get any mileage besides the main story. A flawed game, with some solid moments, if you need another DR to fill the void, you can do much worse. Case's 4&6 are great and the ending is surprisingly well done and emotional for a fan-game. Definitely worth a watch if you don't wanna play at least.

I will forever thank Destiny 2 for making me realize that if a game is making you play it just for the sake of occupying your mind, then you should probably just play something actually worth your time.

One of my favorite moments in gaming was when I was playing Fallout 2, and you need to get somewhere so you ask whose allowed in. The guy says the "cleaning crew is allowed" and then you say you are the crew to get in, to which he immediately calls you out for just now learning this information and not even being there at the right time. Disco Elysium is 15 hours of nothing but this wonderful microcosm of dialogue.


Always loved Supergiant, and their main cores of characters, worldbuilding, dynamic combat, and modifiable difficulty fit so perfectly into a rouge-like style that you wonder how they've never done it before. If you liked any of their prior work or enjoy action games, play this. Also everyone is incredibly hot

Look, it's third strike, not much has to be said about the legacy and honor that this game has. Parries are sick, SA is a cool system and a lot of a fundamentals of this game stayed with the series for good reason. That being said, I think this game is heavily overrated. I don't mind games with small rosters of viable characters, but some of these guys don't even feel finished. Shawn, Q, Hugo, Twelve, Remi, and like half the mid-teirs in this game only work because the system mechanics exist and are so strong, rather than feeling like a complete character. This feels weirder in Street Fighter because due to it's slight more grounded nature, they don't really have the insane stuff on low-teirs that can make them fun to play in those settings. Not even mentioning Chun and Yun, who are probably some of the most brain-dead top-teirs in this franchise. There's a lot of good, but I just can't vibe with the game as much as I want to given how many of the characters are more frustrating to play than they ever needed to be.

Somehow hits the perfect balance of campy sci-fi and political thriller mixed with an im-sim makes one of the most interesting and fun games ever made. Use your augmented legs to fall 20 feet on a guy to kill him, or just shoot him, or become invisible. There's no game quite like it.

We need to study what's happening to the waters in Finland, but god damn whatever it is those guys make good games.
If you like the mix of carnage and confusing storytelling of Dues Ex this is all of that cranked to 11.

This game be like: "Yeah this character TOD's you off one knockdown, bottom 6 ass character"

Call me a execution monster because I can somehow do the fireball input consistently even with the shitty force-apply punch buttons

Me when I'm in a not playing Skullgirls competition and my opponent is the average Skullgirls fan

Anyway, now the all the assholes who care more about "caring about the game" more than actually playing it, I gotta say, this game is good but it has some problems man. This is marvel 2 inspired to the point where you have questionable character design in the top and bottom tiers. We're getting a balance patch in the future, but there's big problem children running around for years now and the DLC has not helped. The core game play is good, and everyone is strong and fun in some way but there are things that are way overturned that some of the cast just has to hold because there's nothing you can do about it. Robo-beam especially. Why does Painwheel still have a frame 8 jab. Like I don't even play those characters but I do think the style alongside the novel mechanics makes it a solid enough team game to enjoy, but you will need to put up with some incredible bullshit mixups, zoning, and just getting bullshitted.

The hardest part of this DLC was beating it and still identifying as male

One of the best modern platformers of all time. Wonderfully woven storytelling with the main themes in the game, alongside a deep enough system which you keep learning and learning even 20 hours in. Fantastic.