lpslucasps' Rating System

Rating systems are arbitrary. There's no science behind how I rate the games I play.

That being said, that doesn't mean rating systems are meaningless. Here's what the scores I give mean to me.

½ — Disgusting

Games whose sole existence disgust me, be it because they're that bad, be it because they have some literally shameful and problematic thing going on.
★ — No Fun Allowed

Whatever good points these games may have are overshadowed by how broken, poorly written or just goddamn boring they are. Although I don't think games have to be fun, it's not a good thing when it seems they're trying to aggressively suck all enjoyment out of my experience with them.
★½ — Failing Grade

These games may have some merits, something or another that's pretty interesting, or even genuinely strong points. Despite that, they are fundametally flawed, to the point their shortcomings just cannot be ignored - at least not by me.
★★ — So Average It's Meh

Not the best, not the worst. No strong feelings whatsoever — at most, just disappointment, probaly not even that.
★★½ — A Worthy Effort

There are much better games, be it on the same genre or series. It's still a good entry nonetheless, with some interesting ideas and strong points.
★★★ — Very Good

I can clearly see why these games are loved by some and I had a great time with them. I may not particularly love them as much as some, and do think some other games excel at what they are just "great". Nonetheless, they're easy recommendations.
★★★½ — Excellent

Games that do a lot of things right. I may even consider them bonafide classics. There are but a few games that are better - but those few do exist.
★★★★ — Personal Favorite

Special games that are dear to my heart. A guaranteed good time. Excellence personified. They have flaws, but they are just so easy to ignore. When someone talks about "the best of", they always come to my mind.
★★★★½ — Perfection

These games don't have flaws, they have character.
★★★★★ - Life Changing

Beyond perfection. Games that encapsulate my passion for gaming like no others. Games that literally changed my view on the medium and, dare I say, my own life.


1 year ago

Interessante esse estilo de lista, talvez eu faça quando eu tiver mais estável em notas e em jogos (pq tenho poucos jogados)

1 year ago

Senti uma indireta aí, heim... :v

1 year ago

CDX quer guerra

1 year ago

Com o Lucas?


1 year ago

Zueras à parte, achei que tu fosse usar outro jogo pra representar o "meia estrela". Algo tipo Police Quest 1 ou Slave Maker.

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