One of the shittiest stories I've played, with a surprisingly shittier protagonist. Even then, it's some of the most fun I've had playing a PSP game.

A lesbian rookie cop story that includes ungodly horrors terrorizing New York City during Christmas 1998.

The soundtrack is also Yoko Shimomura's best work (imo)

Just might be my favorite game in the series, and one of the best co-op games ever made. It's still great as a single player experience, but is best played with one other player.

The PS3/360 versions still have their online capabilities, while Vita/PSP utilizes only ad-hoc for multiplayer.

A multiplayer-focused game that was released 5 years too early and could've been a masterpiece with some polish. The online is still up, and is only active through small communities.

It's always a shame to see cool characters live and die in a game that not many people played.

Love the gameplay, art, and soundtrack, but there's very little content, and zero unlockables.

Bugs and difficulty be damned, I love this game.

During all of Google's attempts at gaming, they never stopped to realize that they've peaked in 2014.

With FPSs still using the same or similar control scheme 23 years later, this game stands near the top of the list of video games that have aged well.

The best game in the series stylistically, but the characters are bland, and the story is blander. The gameplay does have a fair amount of fun moments though, the Chicago map is great, and I had a good amount of fun in multiplayer as well.

The only non-racing game from Polyphony Digital just happens to be one of the coolest mech games around.

A pure style over substance game, but that's not the worst thing in the world when the style is this good.

A nice homage to Jet Set Radio that doesn't deviate too much, but excels with the blueprint it follows, making the gameplay feel like an updated version of the source material. The soundtrack uses a wide variety of songs from smaller indie artists (similar to how Hotline Miami put together its soundtrack), and it all compliments the artstyle extremely well. The title of the game is atrocious though.

RIP Free Radical. TS 2 and Future Perfect are some of the best FPSs of all time with an insane amount of content and style in each. I wish it was more widely available, but it's at least playable on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.