bought on early access, didnt really touch it til it came out and its alot worse than the last game, still good in some aspects tho

you play as a shark. you eat men. exactly as described.

good for a marvel game but thats not saying much

was very rough at first but is actually really good now

spongebob except he gets high on acid and lives in a fever dream

One leaf lovers special please.

overrated story but i can look past it because it has amazing platforming.

considering how old it is it aged pretty ok still a great elder scrolls game tho

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i know how this game gets hated on for its plot twists but rubber bullets aside this game is fucking awesome, i dont know what it is but seeing the introduction of all the protags (especially saejima) sent huge chills down my spine. once again leaving the rubber bullets aside the story is again as expected with the franchise, really good, but something about this one just felt way more gritty and brutal than the rest. oh yeah and shun akiyama.

i really like the game but its kinda sad for me going back to it because i cant really seem to enjoy it as much, i guess nothing really beats the magic of beating a great game for the first time but i still love this game, the combats decent enough, not the best turn based combat in the world, but something about the game just kinda got me when i played it for the first time, the ending had me sobbing in my chair but i just cant love it as much as i used to, the community gets alot of shit but i think that considering their rep its actually a very nice community now, the amount of crazy high quality fangames for it now is insane and im glad that their still trying to keep the magic alive.


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very good game, the combat is sort of mind numbing, but the story is pretty great, i think what makes the game so popular is less the game itself and more the community surrounding the characteristics of the game, the ending could have been better ig, like if we saw what happened after sunny confessed to killing mari at the hospital, but its a good game, just really overrated.

awesome game but please just play the original