singleplayer games my dad has played

any game that my dad has played in a capacity significant enough to say "yeah he played that shit dude"
my dad is not really a gamer at all, but he does enjoy some videogames. thought it would be fun to chronicle the ones i do remember him playing (although i guarantee there were more before i was born/ wasn't there, etc) along with some anecdotes of the degree of completion and random memories.

he beat this one! when i think about my dad playing a videogame, i imagine this. i have extremely vivid memories of him fighting the dragon boss in City in the Sky, and him doing 'flashy' wiimote moves to match along Link's sword flourishes
good lord did my dad use to play minecraft. he would just play alone on the same world for months and definitely took things slow (and i think on peaceful?). he had an obsession with building dwarven inspired castles and had an extensive rail system between mountains he settled at.
i don't actually know if he ever beat this one. i know at the very least he made it to the boss in Ancient Cistern (banger dungeon btw), but i do not have any memory of him at a point in the game further than that.
aside from being one of the few videogames that's well-known and "accessible" enough for my parents to enjoy playing with my sister and i, he did actually play singleplayer on this puppy. while i can't 100% remember if he got a gold trophy on every cup, but i know he was at least going for it at some point.
this one really didn't hook him as much as the wii Zeldas (and especially not TP), but he played about as far as getting to kak and sorta fizzled out on it. respectable.
he played this at SXSW lmao. i remember he said something along the lines of "this is awesome but why am i playing this when we have it at home"
he never played it at home.
tried it cuz he liked minecraft. did not like terraria. not really transferrable enjoyment there.
he absolutely loved halo. played slayer matches with him sometimes (was actually one of my first "mature" gaming experiences), but he also played the campaign. no idea on how far he got.
similar story to halo 1. we always had both because they were my uncle's and he left them behind when he lived with us for a little bit
yeahhh babyyyy
he likes star wars
not really sure what he saw in this game, but i do know that he liked the singleplayer survival based mode enough to draw out a map of the level on graph paper to make a plan
guitar hero 5

1 Comment

17 days ago

i want to make this list but the thing that holds me back is that i always have the feeling he'll ignore the question and make me do chores or somethin lol

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