One of my first JRPG's ever (if you don't count like Pokémon and stuff I guess), and I fell in love immediately. This game has my favorite setting in anything I've played, and a story that had me hooked the whole time dying to know what was going to happen next. This is the game that got me hooked on story focused games.

Strictly talking ARR here, oh my god this story was a snooze fest. Gameplay is absolutely fire though and this is the best MMO ever, super addicting once you get sucked in!

Once you piece this story together from the various different forms of media it's in, it all makes sense and it's actually really good! It's unfortunate it couldn't all be in one game though, but it's alright because that doesn't make this game bad, it's still fun even if you don't know what's going on your first playthrough! For a more action focused FF game, it's pretty easy, which isn't a bad thing and as it was also my first FF game, I actually liked that I could do things such as open a menu to use a potion literally anytime I wanted mid-combat. But I understand for veterans this probably wasn't their cup of tea. I also love these characters and their episode DLC's really helped develop them even further. (Please play episode Prompto it's the best one)


I love this game!! Caius is an amazing villain, Serah and Noel are great protagonists, and the story is so stupid but a fun ride! The gameplay never got boring and the music is super good! If you didn't like how linear XIII was, then this one is way better for you. XIII may have had a perfect ending and could have ended perfectly fine there, but this game is honestly a great continuation and has an ending that will probably emotionally break you :D

I have beef with this game but it's hilarious. Not as fun gameplay wise as other Mario RPG's but the charm and humor is still there which is where it shines most.

This game is fun!! I don't remember why I stopped playing it but I really want to finish it someday.

I'll come back when that XIV collab happens next month :)

As someone who is not good at tactics games, this was my first FE game and I actually really liked it. I only played the golden deer route but it wasn't that bad!

I played this for about a year and dropped it due to life getting in the way, but I will say I very much enjoyed it!! The character designs are amazing, the story was okay but I found myself losing interest quite often, but it was the gameplay and the updates that had me coming back all the time. It's been forever since I've last played this but I do find it hard to pick up again if you've been away from it for a while. I found that because so much new content was added since I was last active, it was very overwhelming so I just decided I'll maybe give this game another shot when I'm ready to sink many hours into it again, because I'll be real I've heard some people saying future updates are getting better and better!

I was not expecting this game to go as hard as it did. I got addicted and had to P rank everything and the music made it enjoyable all the way. I got into this during a period where I was also on a classic Sonic kick and this completely stole me away. Please give this one a shot!! Even if it looks difficult, you can do it, never ever give up! I consider myself absolutely horrible at video games but I play them because they're fun! And I was still able to get the hang of this game because I was determined to, so if I can do it, anybody can!!

Masterpiece of all 3D mario games

The music goes hard but I hate everything else tbh. This one has the best characters though