I lost SO MANY hours of my life on London Life. Such a charming game in general, and I love Emmy! The intro music is my favorite of the saga, and that's really stiff competition.

A great start to an incredibly solid saga. Everything about it is so charming and it starts the insane plot twist trend strong!

Don't really remember much from this one, but the tea set is my favorite of the trunk minigames in the original trilogy!

INCREDIBLE game. Crazy plot twists. Don't miss it!

Still was a bit green when I played it, but I look forward to picking it back up again when there's more updates! A chill time with a creative brewing system that I enjoyed. Gets a bit repetitive after a while but I didn't mind.

This game is INCREDIBLE. Might be one of the most creative games I've played. And the characters are so charming. I loved it! My only note is that the controls felt a clunky at times, although certainly way better than the original. It's very fun to see this ps2 era-type presentation revamped in 2021.

The writing and presentation absolutely hold up for me, but I had to drop it because the control scheme was a bit too frustrating in 2021. Not a fault of the game, it's just what the state of the art was back then. Still, an absolutely incredible experience and hillarious to boot.

I really enjoy this format! The writing is a lot of fun and a lot of unpredictable twists. I probably have some more left to see.

This game is just awesome. SO much fun. So creative. A formative experience for me.

MORE STANLEY!!! How do they manage to keep being funny. I wish I had half the funny bone these people do. I love that you can revisit the old paths with new twists, and the new paths are amazing as well. SCAN THE QR CODE!

The first case is incredible and just for it you should absolutely play this one. I personally liked the rest as well, but i'm a Nagito-Kokichi archetype enjoyer so feel free to ignore me. Unlike many, I didn't mind the ending.

Perfect game. Unbelievably addictive. I have so many summer afternoon memories of this one. Co-op is fun although no time pausing can be super stressful!

The controls are great, I really enjoy traversing the world. The story is a shitshow ahahaha but who cares! I hope I can find my copy so I can replay it now that I have a decent pc.


Not my thing but incredible ambientation, tense and intriguing!

Honestly single-handedly saved my productivity during the pandemic. Quick to boot for instant cozy ambiance! I have 187 hours on this according to steam.