Don't have to add anything, FIRE

Paid FULL price for this game, absolutely amazing, worth every penny. Hope they make a sequel.

I played this game on my 360, from the orange box. That could've been the worst way to play the game. My laptop I was using was broken and I was looking for games to play on my backlog. Half Life 2 was always a talked about game in the community for being amazing. I decided to give it a try and beat it in 2 days. This game is actually crazy for how it introduces you in and how all the gimmicks they showed are used.

For a free game, this is just great. Doesn't force the skins down your throat but you'll def be better with em ;)

Expands on the last game, completes the story and brings back all the fun from the last game. The multiplayer is eh but the story was amazing.


Absolutely amazing, Great story, Average multiplayer, and a whole lotta demon slaying.

It's a decent game for the time, Nothing to special to it.

The story in CyberPunk 2077 is abosuletly amazing, I don't think any other game compares to how well made this story was made, from all the side characters being so charming, to Keanu Reeves playing as "Johnny Silverhand" which just makes Johnny a way more likeable character. Now this game isn't perfect, the amount of glitches I experienced were insane and the performance the game ran on my PC is horrific, I can't imagine how the game ran on consoles but if you get used to the glitches, this game was amazing!

Let me just start off by saying how amazing the previous game was on a technical standpoint, this game brings all the things the last game had and expanded on it, not only that, continued the story and introduced new mechanics. The best part about portal 2 is the fact you can play with a friend in Co-Op mode.