55 Reviews liked by mathgoblin

Combat Design: NA
Level Design: 7/10
Sound Design: 2/10
Narrative Design: 1/10
Art & Animation: 1/10

Overall: 2/10
I mean, it is just horny bejeweled. Please just play bejeweled instead, playing this game was "funny" in 2014.



Everything about this game is a 7/10 wrapped up in a 10/10 narrative. The gameplay is fine and the aesthetics are what we've come to expect from similar games.



I wish I was this good at making video games, I'll tell ya that.

Super wide coverage of gameplay mechanics, but they're all so shallow it almost feels like it doesn't matter. Like, sure you can disassemble an entire car, or manually check the individual wind resistance of different parts of your body, but to what end? What do you gain from doing that? Usually, nothing.

This raises an interesting question when contrasted with Zomboid's explicit insistence that your life will not last. Is the game really shallow because lives are too short to get that deep into the mechanics, or are lives short to hide the fact that there are no mechanics that are deep enough to get into? And if it's the first one, why bother making the game so big?

Alright JC, we're sending you out to Battery Park, where the NSF are currently holding New York's entire monthly shipment of gameplay.

Thank God British people aren't real.

If I called any girl from my city a cutecumber I would get shot.

if you like fun fuck you. if you think games should be fun fuck you. if you want games to be fun fuck you. i think games should never be fun or even hint at the possibility of fun and if you think otherwise fuck you.

Perhaps the best-in-class for its kind. The highest-quality execution of what it can be. To make any progress further, one cannot do better. The formula must be better. In the current [ m e t a ] of factory builders, Factorio is the best.

also i like the little robots they're cute

Probably one of the first multiplayer FPS games requested tactical effort from players, at least in its heyday.

I really like this game, but it's been a while. I believe TF2 will return. When it does, I will write a 53 page saga on why it's so good.

20% learning the chilling tale of the Obra Dinna and living through a descent into madness in a rivetingly separated outsider's view
80% Lucas Pope trying to be clever. And no I'm not salty about the shoe thing stop asking

Really cute and clever and fun but man I am not smart enough to finish this poor thing



The best damn walking sim I've ever played. Really build the experience of both discovery and mystery, celebration and tragedy, and the immense cosmic scale of the universe. Makes a man feel small, both in the grand scheme of a beautiful galaxy and with gigantic fucking angler fish.

How the hell does anyone get through the tutorial without throwing this out? Asking for a friend.