I like the smoke grenade tech and the shaders for the molotovs
But I suck at counter-strike.

Hydro thunder so peak it makes all the other games in the collection look like slop

Need to find the adoring fan to incentivize me to keep playing

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"It's your fault that Maya died! (Even though I was there and you werent)"

"Yeah she's right! Lilith you're an asshole!"

Atleast the gameplay is alright

I really need to watch a tutorial for this cause I don't know why my dwarves are unhappy
I've given them everything they need, They've got a hole in the ground.
And thats all they really need why are they unhappy?

Wish it didnt have so much DLC
But it's a pretty solid city-builder

Love how it reboots my xbox while I'm loading.
Wish I didnt have to quicksave all the time because the RNG decided I lost the battle but you win some you lose some

The greatest rally racing game of all time.
Features normal rally races, rallycross, ice racing and hillclimb.
The dirt series wishes they could be rallisport.

I got to the stock market and my brain turned off.

Hard to play a visual novel game with a twist.
Especially a twist that has been spoiled for you already.