Runs like shit on actual hardware and im so pissed

Dave is invited to my blunt rotation, such a chill dude

i own about 4 copies of this game they gave out for free via multiple methods and i refuse to play it anywhere

the gooners of penis and weenus

Was playing the surprisingly great switch port when i had a dark vision plauge me

"If they make Lego Marvel 3, there is a good chance Stan Lee will be replaced with Kevin Fiege." and i had to turn off the game, afraid of the future.

everything in this game feels optional and i dont like it

this is the only thing thats been keeping me happy recently

i love everything about it. i dont care if it has "frictionless swinging" or is "toothless in design" or "ubisoft" or whatever 10 dollar words you wanna use, i love spider-man 2.

i am a type 1 diabetic, have had the disease for a good 12 years now, a1c 5.9 (really great for a t1d person), hoping one day that american health care stops fucking us hard style 9000 v2 final mix.

it certainly is better now than 1992 because if this was my way of learning how to monitor my sugar i think id just drink the 1000 calorie large oreo shake from baskin robins, no bolus. shit was DIRE

i was absolutely loving this game until i got filtered by the stealth side mission, why do they keep insisting that a gravity superhero sneaks around without using any of her powers. there isn't even any place to hide or sneak effectively because the environments are so open because they're designed for you to shift between them! absolute ass.

really good game though reminds me of spider-man

Doesn't matter uncle ben, burnout better

People treating this game like hitler 2 have never had a serious moment in their lives.

the tak and the power of juju devs made this shit.