69 Reviews liked by meg00se

Really enjoyed the music and gameplay but gosh golly gee willikers the message is dubious at best.

It's a crime that this game is barely known by anyone. It's not only an excellently designed turn based team strategy but also a piece of cool retrospective on art and mortality.

Why did you guys never tell me about this game wtf

I desperately wish the platforming moveset avaliable in this game was used in a larger, more complete game. As it is, Pseudoregalia feels mostly like a sandbox to mess around with the amazing movement, almost like Peach's castle from mario 64 was turned into a full game.

we’re gagging for u pepsiman

The BEST LISA fangame. It's abit too easy in my opinion and I sorta wish there were more secret areas but this is a FANTASTIC game. A replay helped me better understand this game is awesome.

This has inspired so many of the things I love, and I'm happy to say that it absolutely stands on its own even apart from its legacy

"yeah just stand right under the crusher i think ik how to solve it"



Gleefully exclaiming "Friends!" in a baby voice over and over during my time with this game

I forgot how good this game is. The story is awesome, and the characters a great. A replay made me really appreciate it.

More importantly, I believe this is that "yaoi" thing I keep hearing about.



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Lot to chew on, more than I think I expected. I spent ~20hrs playing this with the thought of "this is good & fun but not particularly special or resonant with me", and then got blasted in the face by the ending. Payoff a long time coming but ultimately worth it I think. Will be putting it to the side a bit before playing the Hikkikomori route, though less time than I'd initially thought I would.

A game that recognizes the one thing SoV was missing this whole time: more corny Gaiden references. Or was it level design, I forget.

While suffering from some hiccups like tonal/presentation inconsistencies, Undertale Yellow is a true love letter to its original. It nails down the feeling of playing its progenitor, but allows itself to be its own thing, with its own pacing, scale and ideas. In short, it's like eating your best friend's food - it might not be the best ever but it sure as hell feels good and sentimental.

Modern survival horror masterpiece, maybe one of the greatest of all time. I am genuinely not the same person I was before I played it and will NEVER recover. The tragic doomed robot yuri touched on something in my soul.