finally, FINALLY, beat this game. At 180+ hours, BG3 is just an objectively great game - however its many bugs and technical performance issues did ruin many of its great experiences for me. For all the good that it has to offer, for how inconceivably big it all is, you will still somehow come across occasional frustration at all the little things that won't work or go wrong. In my playthrough from August 2023 till now, I have been glitched out of multiple quests and had to wait for updates, performance was so bad in some overworld areas i had to wait several mins to be able to walk, and my cloud saves never once worked. I'm sure everyone has heard the praises sung of this game, and they are all true - its a great game. However, know going in you WILL have issues. I don't think theres ever been a bug-free playthrough of this game to date.

My more detailed thoughts down below:

Personally speaking, I think for all the grandeur this game has, I think it would be a bit better if it was like, at least 10% smaller. I personally do not mind being told in a game that I can't do something, especially if its counterproductive to an overarching narrative. I can appreciate just how big the game is, just how much they let you do and what an accomplishment that is, but I also feel like sometimes that time and effort could've gone elsewhere. I would rather a smaller, cleaner experience than a more open, messy one - but that is a personal bias.

Also, it would be dishonest to not mention my feelings on the updates. Are they fun? Yes! Do I want them? Sure! But it does put a bad taste in my mouth that the biggest fans of this game experienced a totally different (and objectively much less satisfying) ending than there is now. If you played and finished BG3 in August or September right when it released, you played a product that was unfinished and deeply flawed. Not unplayable, not busted beyond repair, but just an unfinished product. I understand that the studio needed to release it after 7 years of dev time, I also understand that it was a good product even with these faults, but I do also get to have my feelings about it, and I don't really feel /good/ about the state it was released.

However, a LOT of the praise this game gets is absolutely correct. Outside of the occasional confused mistake, the combat is extremely fun. I'm a SRPG fan, so I was always going to like it, but it really scratches that itch for me - at its best, the combat in BG3 is really, REALLY fun. Some classes are definitely better than others (I'm very partial to monk) but I also don't think that's a horrible thing. Some units will just be a little worse, and its interesting to play around their flaws or rebuild them into something entirely different.

The art in this game, when it loads correctly, is fucking fantastic. My god what a fresh breath of air the environments are. In the slog of games with procedurally placed vegetation and trees, its so nice to see that the environments in Bg3 are very lovingly crafted. Even little areas have a good amount of detail and composition work. The overworlds are beautiful, each act feels so distinct. The character designs are very classic DnD, but I think they are very fun within that setting. I would've loved to have a bit more control over what my characters body could look like, particularly that you could have a smaller chest and ass if you played a more feminine body.

The writing in this game is pretty good, but I wouldn't consider it stand out against other fantasy adventure medias. Outside of a few events, you will probably be one step ahead of the narrative at all times. Which, to be clear, is not a bad thing - but it does give it a very "storybook" vibe to the whole experience. Like being read a fairy tale you kinda already know. The characters are where the writing really shines its brightest. There are a lot of interesting individual character moments, though everyone is right, you can most definitely tell who were their favorites to work on. Dialogue wise, Karlach, Astarion, Gale, and Minsc are stand outs, but I think that is in part to the strength of their comedy writing - storywise, I'd personally pick Lae'zel as the most compelling, though all of the companions truly do have their moments.

Overall its a really good game, if you like RPGs, have a good PC (maybe your one of the lucky few that have a PS5), and have over a hundred hours to burn then I would honestly recommend it. It's not a perfect experience by any means, but no game is lol. Maybe one day I will redownload it to play a Dark Urge playthrough. Not now tho lol.

The art style on this one is great, You can tell that the artists leaned into their strength with illustration and design. It's similar to old puzzle/walking sims, but there are a few mechanics with items that I was surprised to see and fun to play! Some solutions i had to look into, but its not overly complex or hard to figure out 90% of the time. I wouldn't say it was completely my vibe, but it was fun all that same. Finished it in an evening and will probably play again at some point just to get all the achievements : - )

A colorful walking sim, though its really the story in the middle of this game that makes it. I think the ending is fine, but it definitely wraps up fast. I wasn't crazy about Henry and Delilah's dialogue in the beginning, but it did grow on me by the end. It's a good game, but a bit overhyped - though I realize I'm playing this nearly 8 years after release lmao. This has been on my list to play for years, overall I'm glad I finally got around to it.

I really wanted to like this game and finish it, but damn they ain't kidding about those menus being tedious. Got stuck at a boss and never found the motivation to try and pick it up again. Wish I liked squall more, but every other character is fun enough. Kinda sad to abandon it, but it is what it is...

Finally finished this game - its an interesting short-ish horror game. I loveee the sound design and art in this game and chapter three can be genuinely unnerving at places. It's a little reliant on jump scares at times and some areas are vague/harder than I personally would like, but its still good fun. The atmosphere definitely makes this game.


The finale absolutely makes this game. It can drag at points and the dialogue can seem a bit trite, but it's worth sticking with it. It's worst sin is that it is in need of some overall editing, but its strengths come with some charming art, banger soundtrack, strong thematic content, and a great last few hours of gameplay. I found myself wishing for more surreal and important moments sprinkled throughout the middle sections of it. It can be frustrating and drawn out at times, but overall its hard not to give it a high score. Yes, the finale is that good.

Wanted to like this title more - The art and characters are cute but the minigames can be hard to see or not intuitive when first seeing the game. The game is also unfinished, which is not advertised when buying the game : /

Surprisingly addicting - it's about 10-15mins long, but I found myself playing it 6 times in a row just for the hell of it. Veryyyy fun gameplay and atmosphere. A co-op or endless mode would go crazy. Love this creator! I always look forward to his work. : ]

EDIT: Theres an endless mode and it RULES

Extremely solid card game with a story that makes you curious to find out more and figure it all out. If you've played his other game, "Pony Island" then you'll be happy to see the quirky computer tricks are also in this game as well. He's a creator who's work I'm always excited to play and enjoy. The game's biggest strength is it's atmosphere, which is incredibly unique and diverse.

Personally, I think the acts are all quite good - they do play pretty differently though even if mechanics carry over. I think the different visual style of act 2 throws people off, but that act is very heavy on having a solid first turn, so I understand the mild frustration. If I'm being honest, I prefer Acts 1 and 3 overall, but Act 2 is still very enjoyable.

My only critique really is that sometimes the writing can go from clever and mysterious to a bit obtuse at times, and the videos you find have some strange acting beats. Nothing awful or cringe worthy, but a smidge distracting at times.

Kinda adore this game - The dinosaur models and animations would make any dinosaur kid with joy still in their heart mystified. It's not particularly action-packed but that's kinda the point. It's heavy on exploration of its 2 maps and small gathering quests, but every dino plays and feels a little differently with how it interacts with the environment. The flying dinos are new, and they fucking rule - I love how they can fly and swoop and it feels so different and new.

In terms of development, its got a long way to go - but its also come a very long way from what it was in 2020. The weakest element are the underwater dinos - I wish that there was more incentive to go into rivers and area where you might see other land dwellers and interact. The quests could also have more variation, but that seems to be the next goal in their newsletter. Otherwise, its quite good for a chill experience of just being a dinosaur. I will def be keeping up with this game as it develops : ]

Less of a game and more of an interactive comic - however, its well executed. It's less about the game itself and more about the feeling that it gives you alongside the visuals. With it being under an hour of playtime, its very much worth the $2 I bought for it on sale.

The music at time is quite moving and the game does a really good job of trying to keep you immersed. However, my one gripe is that while the PC works well, there are times where it expects you to swipe the screen like its a mobile device and it kinda has to remind you to do that with a little visual cue. It takes me out of the immersion every time, and feels a bit like the game is saying "hurry up" when I'm just trying to look at the visuals. I'm not quite sure what the alternative would be though, and it IS a mobile port, so it might just be what the format allows.

It's a chill short game that is confidently telling its story - its not going to give you alternate paths or any hard puzzles and that's totally fine. But I could see how its not someones thing if they didn't know that going in.

good stupid fun with friends, a bit unfair at times but that's sorta the point. I wouldn't personally play it alone or with randoms but still a good time despite its quirks.

This was a game I've wanted to check out for a few years, and overall I'm glad I did. (and doubly glad I got it heavily discounted) Like others have noted, the writing and narration from Alan Watts can be thoughtful at times, but others it comes off a bit pretentious.

I've listened Alan Watts' lectures before playing this (which is originally what drew me to it) but I think when they are spliced like this the game can loose out on important context or you miss the point of whatever sound bite you're listening to. I also found a hard time really listening to the Alan Watts sound bites and really digesting it and also playing the game. This could be a personal thing, but I found myself stopping to digest the information, and then playing the game. It was always one or the other, but very rarely both due to all the visual and audio stimuli.

Also something that could be better with a controller, but the mouse controls were a bit jank even when tweaking the sensitivity settings.

Overall, it isn't a bad game. If you think you would like a short little calm experience with some fun but possibly pretentious dialogue - its not a bad game to pick up on sale. I don't think I'll be picking it up to play again though.

Really loved this title! It has a very solid identity and the reveals in the plot are quite fun. At a first look, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that this is another "depression earthbound-like" game, but that's not quite right. The gameplay is an extremely fun combo of traditional RPG elements and MANY WarioWare-like mini games. I'll leave more detailed thoughts below:

Combat in this game is genuinely so smart. The game cleverly rewards players for interacting with its mini-games by offering big amounts of damage from perfecting them - especially enemy attacks. This means you are always on the offensive in combat, making battles very exciting for those that may not be "into" the turn based format. I love that statuses are also new and exciting in this game. Long gone are the days of turn based poison damage, here statuses effect you're ability to interact with the mini-games, which effects your damage. However if you are a skilled player, you will be able to overcome these hurdles - I really like this, the game is always finding ways of rewarding the player for playing it well.

The art style is very charming - I've genuinely not seen a game that looks quite like it. It's not afraid to throw little doodles in your face for a laugh and the switch from 2D sprites to 3D models in cutscenes is really interesting! It artistically separates the areas of interest very very well. A lot of the animations are also interesting in this game? They are strangely fluid in a way that scratches my brain lmao. The 2D sprites have non-tile based animation in battle, giving them a particularly lively look. (i really love how the applebat moves for instance)

The music knocks it out of the park, I really love all the tracks of the game and I'll be adding quite a few to my playlist soon : ]

I really only have a few criticisms - I think in the first 3-4 hours of the game there are quite a lot of cutscenes. I think it could do well to cut down on a few or allow the player to explore a little earlier. I also wish the girl characters in this game were allowed to be sillier - none of them really reach the silliness in design or personality of B-side, Dolus, Mr. Apricot, etc.

Otherwise, I really adored this game - I could definitely find myself coming back to it to replay one of these days. I really don't see where the lower scores are coming from - but one word of warning, please make sure to pick up the game again once you beat it!

Fun little game with very nice polish! The art and vibe is delightful, but something i really found myself enjoying was the music!

The controls are very tight and as fun as you may have seen on preview videos on twitter (which is where i originally saw them lol) - I do wish it was one more "area" longer, as the crow nest area was on the shorter side, and meeting the bugs was my favorite thing to do in the game.

Please dance with everyone, they will all dance with you : ]