Genuinely great ecosystem design but after a good amount of hours dying, watching some guides, and then dying again I have decided this simply might not be the game for me and thats ok. (It's definitely a skill issue)

This game fucking rocks. when i put it down i just couldnt wait to pick it up again - If you ever are interesting in making games, particularly writing them - this is a MUST play.

It's a beautiful, messy, and complex experience that often requires you to really stop and think about the things you are doing and for what purpose. Once this game takes its hold on you, its hard to turn away. It's writing prose is some of the best in the business - making everyday objects something worth caring for and connecting with strangers on a level that feels so personal.

The game is so so so close to an absolute masterpiece with a few things holding it back only slightly - Even in the final cut, you will come across minor bugs during play, some of which can only be fixed on a restart. Nothing huge, but still annoying. Some maps are also a bit hard to navigate. There is also some fat jokes that feel very out of place.

That all being said, i would super recommend this game to anyone that doesnt mind darker tones in their games. Absolutely wonderful experience, Kim Kitsuragi is my bestie <3

As far as lisa fangames go, this is definitely one of the better ones. If you've played pointless and liked that, its a similar experience to that in a lot of ways. Its also very similar to the Desolate Expantion mod for painful that this dev also made. (which you should check out too! its awesome) I really like that the dev (Redisco) put a lot of his own hand drawn elements in the game, it really makes it stand out from the pack. It's also one of the few Lisa fan games thats actually funny! I think the wackiness of this game feels similar to Painful in great ways.

The game is very clearly inspired by Disco Elysium, and as someone that /loves/ that game, I think Undone can be a bit too similar to it at times. There's also so so so much in this game. Some fans like digging into everything, but for me personally, I think I would've liked less options just overall. I also wish there were just less menus, they pop up before you talk to anyone, getting ur weapon ready, etc etc. It slows down the pacing imo.

All that being said, congrats to redisco and the Undone team! It takes a lot of work to put out a great product like this! I hope they are getting lots of rest lol

Really strong art direction, and a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be for a game written in old english. The characters are great and I really enjoyed the combat even if it was on the simpler side. If you're looking for unique rpgmaker games to play like the classics, you should probably check this one out too.

I just can't help the feeling that this game would've been better if it didn't get as self-important and dramatic as it does. It's got High highs and low lows. The "undertale" feel its clearly going for is best shown in its wacky cast of characters and silly dialogue. The battles and songs are quite good. I don't personally like the arm mechanic as much, but its still fun to play. A lot of battles have really fun visuals and effects that gives it a chaotic feel in the best way.

That all being said... The story is... not so good. I really wanted to like it, but it seems confused on what it wants to say or show. The plot holds itself up as very self important in a way it really doesn't earn. Also, the lost soul design for me is just too derivative of Gaster and I'm really sad the environments were so bland even if that was "the point".

If you like rhythm games this is worth checking out, but otherwise it might be worth skipping. It's a good game, but it just gets so wrapped up in itself.

played this in a night with friends and it was super cute :3
I had a few issues navigating the space and mixing items together - but i might just be dumb. Niko is very cute and carries a lot of the charm of the game - a very good time

Really loved this title! It has a very solid identity and the reveals in the plot are quite fun. At a first look, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that this is another "depression earthbound-like" game, but that's not quite right. The gameplay is an extremely fun combo of traditional RPG elements and MANY WarioWare-like mini games. I'll leave more detailed thoughts below:

Combat in this game is genuinely so smart. The game cleverly rewards players for interacting with its mini-games by offering big amounts of damage from perfecting them - especially enemy attacks. This means you are always on the offensive in combat, making battles very exciting for those that may not be "into" the turn based format. I love that statuses are also new and exciting in this game. Long gone are the days of turn based poison damage, here statuses effect you're ability to interact with the mini-games, which effects your damage. However if you are a skilled player, you will be able to overcome these hurdles - I really like this, the game is always finding ways of rewarding the player for playing it well.

The art style is very charming - I've genuinely not seen a game that looks quite like it. It's not afraid to throw little doodles in your face for a laugh and the switch from 2D sprites to 3D models in cutscenes is really interesting! It artistically separates the areas of interest very very well. A lot of the animations are also interesting in this game? They are strangely fluid in a way that scratches my brain lmao. The 2D sprites have non-tile based animation in battle, giving them a particularly lively look. (i really love how the applebat moves for instance)

The music knocks it out of the park, I really love all the tracks of the game and I'll be adding quite a few to my playlist soon : ]

I really only have a few criticisms - I think in the first 3-4 hours of the game there are quite a lot of cutscenes. I think it could do well to cut down on a few or allow the player to explore a little earlier. I also wish the girl characters in this game were allowed to be sillier - none of them really reach the silliness in design or personality of B-side, Dolus, Mr. Apricot, etc.

Otherwise, I really adored this game - I could definitely find myself coming back to it to replay one of these days. I really don't see where the lower scores are coming from - but one word of warning, please make sure to pick up the game again once you beat it!

Unfortunately had to shelve this one, as I'm not really that skilled at shooters u_u This game requires some time to master, even from people that are pretty good at shooters, so something to keep in mind.

However, that being said- i absolutely love the aesthetic choices in this game and the humor is very fun. If I had the time to get good at this game I would play it further, but at this time I really don't. Shelved for now, but hopefully I can come back to it with more time to give it!


A supremely weird point and click mystery that really rules. I have so few notes, it feels like a game that is exactly what it wanted to be. It really kept me interested in all the moving parts the whole way through. Absolutely a must-play if you want to work on unique world building. I think the ending I got was a smidge sudden, but overall, what a hell of a ride.


The finale absolutely makes this game. It can drag at points and the dialogue can seem a bit trite, but it's worth sticking with it. It's worst sin is that it is in need of some overall editing, but its strengths come with some charming art, banger soundtrack, strong thematic content, and a great last few hours of gameplay. I found myself wishing for more surreal and important moments sprinkled throughout the middle sections of it. It can be frustrating and drawn out at times, but overall its hard not to give it a high score. Yes, the finale is that good.

Super fun game with unique gameplay! There are multiple endings with this game, and while I didn't get all of them, I did get around 10.

This game is honestly a fun time, and I didn't know it was an ARG as well when picking it up. The puzzles are satisfying, and the story is told in a unique way that gives you the pieces in a bunch of different ways and directions, making you feel like you /might/ know the direction its going in, but you're never quite sure.

I had some issues with finding extra content as well as getting one of the ARG elements to run- but otherwise this is a fun game to pick at when you have the time : ]

It's short and cute, but I don't think its as in-depth or deep as advertised. I think maybe I was expecting too much? To get your full "personality test results" you need to play 3 times, and I'm just not really interested in doing that even if its short. I think others might have a better time with this then I did, but I found it a lil "meh".

Less of a game and more of an interactive comic - however, its well executed. It's less about the game itself and more about the feeling that it gives you alongside the visuals. With it being under an hour of playtime, its very much worth the $2 I bought for it on sale.

The music at time is quite moving and the game does a really good job of trying to keep you immersed. However, my one gripe is that while the PC works well, there are times where it expects you to swipe the screen like its a mobile device and it kinda has to remind you to do that with a little visual cue. It takes me out of the immersion every time, and feels a bit like the game is saying "hurry up" when I'm just trying to look at the visuals. I'm not quite sure what the alternative would be though, and it IS a mobile port, so it might just be what the format allows.

It's a chill short game that is confidently telling its story - its not going to give you alternate paths or any hard puzzles and that's totally fine. But I could see how its not someones thing if they didn't know that going in.

Kinda adore this game - The dinosaur models and animations would make any dinosaur kid with joy still in their heart mystified. It's not particularly action-packed but that's kinda the point. It's heavy on exploration of its 2 maps and small gathering quests, but every dino plays and feels a little differently with how it interacts with the environment. The flying dinos are new, and they fucking rule - I love how they can fly and swoop and it feels so different and new.

In terms of development, its got a long way to go - but its also come a very long way from what it was in 2020. The weakest element are the underwater dinos - I wish that there was more incentive to go into rivers and area where you might see other land dwellers and interact. The quests could also have more variation, but that seems to be the next goal in their newsletter. Otherwise, its quite good for a chill experience of just being a dinosaur. I will def be keeping up with this game as it develops : ]

Super fun 2 hour game worth the play! It's a very high quality free-to-play game, but I will def be picking up the supporter pack : ]

The story is interesting and the puzzles are super fun. Literally my only critic is that I wish it was longer. As a bite size experience, its a super fun time and I have a hard time wondering what else could have been done to polish the experience more - I highly recommend!
(Note: there are some heavy themes, so if you are sensitive to specific things, it might be worth it to look into some warnings for the title!)