11 Reviews liked by mell0h

Gamers love to say 'games are art' until somebody actually makes a game for them to treat like a work of art.

Bo Burnham really outdid himself with this one!

god truly is a place where some holy spectacle lies 🤣🤣

omg ik this one guy and he has the ethel cain god loves u but not enough to save u lyric tattooed on him and that’s just so lame idk talking about religion or thinking about it is just lame I think

Getting Over It with Snoopy™

Classic tower/bridge construction physics puzzler that I was eager to return to after last playing it over a decade ago. I found that I enjoyed the gameplay less than I remembered—you kind of just end up employing the same basic structures over and over, and a couple of the levels are pretty frustrating—but the presentation is still a delight; the whimsical art direction, story, and especially the soundtrack really carry the whole experience and make it feel far more exciting and inventive than it would otherwise.

gamer >>>>> every fnaf game

This game is so adorable and made me squeal (no pun intended) while playing. The amount of active LGBTQIA+ references in here is so enlightening and is such a good source of media to show off all the different people/animals in this world! This game allows for short play throughs (one route) or a full run (all routes) I really recommend this game it is definitely one of my favorite visual novels I’ve played 🥺❤️

This is The Stanley Parable, with a heavy dose of The Beginners Guide added in, in the sense that it feels like Davey Wreden working through some things. And I appreciate the game a lot on that level, because it’s interesting to play a game where you’re essentially invited to explore someone’s head, and by the time of the epilogue ending I felt things had come to a very moving conclusion.

I don’t think I get on so well with the humor of the game so much anymore, I didn’t dislike it, but it’s more just mild smiles from me now, and everything regarding the bucket soon outstayed it’s welcome, which could probably be countered with “ahh but that’s the point.” But doesn’t really change the fact that I wish it had been something I found funnier instead.

Arkane are a very talented studio and Deathloop is another winner from them. Although Deathloop doesn't have the stellar level design and great stealth mechanics from Dishonored or the open ended mission structure and exploration of Prey, it makes up for it with an ambitious concept. Due to them knowing that the concept may be hard for players to wrap their head around, they possibly overcorrected with the amount of handholding that the game almost feels a bit linear.

It is ultimately a puzzle game, the puzzle being to figure out how to kill the eight visionaries in a single loop. It is somewhat disappointing that there is only one solution to that puzzle and the discovery of which feels too linear but I still had a lot of fun in figuring it out. The powers you can acquire are all pretty similar to stuff you can find in previous Arkane games but they are fun to use and combine although you'll probably stick with the same two once you get them all. The trinkets and upgrades to weapons and your powers are nice to get but you'll also probably just stick with the same few rather than mixing and matching.

I possibly sound more negative about the game than I actually feel. I did really enjoy the game loop and shooting or sneaking my way through the levels feels pretty great. It seems like a game close to greatness for me but there's a few design decisions holding it back. More assassination options and a challenge system akin to the current Hitman series would have gone a long way for me. It's still a very good game despite an anticlimatic ending and I very much want Arkane to stick around to make these weird ambitious games.

Consumer Softproducts could write 1984 but George Orwell could have never made Cruelty Squad

I can tell it's a good game I just refunded it because I can't deal with this shit right now. I'll pick it up again probably soonish