i love fortnite 🩷🩷🩷

i almost cried, it's crazy how much of a difference fully voiced social links makes, the cast and dialogue is sooooo much better than p5r and even if tartarus isn't as fun as palaces it's nowhere near as bad as you'd think, can't wait for the answer in september i should finally play 4 in the meantime frfr!!

I don't forgive you.

it's like cates venom if they ignored all the text and thought wow that looks cool we should use that

step up in every single aspect and once again insomniac are the only studio who actually know how to use the ps5

storywise as a massive venom fan everything to do with symbiotes was fucking stupid and disappointing, other than it was good

2d mario is back and 2d mario is back hard!!!

what will Venom do when Miles pulls out Uncle Aaron's beats?

its like Fallen Order but if it was actually good.

we love actually being able to play salmon run but the actual multiplayer stages suck and it doesn't add that much from 2, hopefully side order is great

fun just a shame it has to be compromised so much to run on switch

Franchise goes full baby mode but the gameplay is fun