how is this game allowed to be so perfect

painfully average unless you're a big fan of the genre, characters can feel a little flat and the story definitely drags on for a hint too long. somewhat generic open world but still left enough to be enjoyable (especially the hordes)

by far the peak of deck building games, really enjoyable and meta and just absolutely confuses you at every turn. so much fun and cannot recommend enough

i don't think i get it 🙁, it's good but definitely not as amazing as most people say.

really good movement shooter, performance can be a little bad but still very enjoyable gameplay and music

the game glitched and didn't let me get the platinum 😞


no problems i can readily point out, really fun gameplay loop and enough build variability to play for hours without getting bored by far the BEST roguelite.

feels almost unpolished in a way? feels sortve under baked and carried by how amazing the visuals/aesthetic is. i still enjoyed the game, though it feels like it deserves to be so much more

THE BEST RETRO GAME EVER MADE!! Combat is smooth and enjoyable, story is zany while still being emotional CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH!!

really good, though the gameplay doesn't hold up as well as dmc3. still really enjoyable tho!!

borderlands 2 but again! (at least you can play as claptrap)

i don't know why this game is so enjoyable, feel as though this format wouldn't work as well if the developer wasn't so punctual and caring with updates