literally couldnt finish. straight TRASH. froze every 2 inputs and just a stupid RPS game

played the FRICK outta this as a kid

i liked it - this format wouldve been better for the original dragon ball saga where adventure makes sense. Needed more variety of mobs instead just RR. Side quests were too similiar as well but i enjoyed it

This is the DBZ Kakarot Prototype:
This game was a good start tot the idea of a 3D dragon ball fighting game. HOWEVER, yes it is very frustrating when you crash at random points and clip out of bounds.

I equivalate this game to Sonic Boom. It seems like they created the first draft but decided to release it instead of going back and capitalizing on their mistakes. HUGE potential to be awesome but instead it was mid. Needed more music, loved that yardrat and future trunks was a saga though so this game gets a lot of hate and i understand but it really isnt THAT bad.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk

the game has combo cancels so its automatically good for all the competitive players out there

i cried so hard my mom had to beat a level for me and return the game because i couldnt handle it

really short, wish there was more
the animations in fighting were too long but pretty fun really

world record for hasee bounce so pog

Nuhai and GLitchedd ar the greatest gamers in the history of mankind i swear to god, dont ever doubt their skills ever. i personally shut that idea down in an instant. if anyone talks yak on it i will unleash the best full demon mode i dont even care anf that on mf jah you heard me. this game is actually the worst game ever created on the planet. if you like this game you are actually wrong and deserve nothing but pain and suffering. and i mean that. i dont hate anyone but if you play this game sone ever tlk to me in your life and i mean that. and dont even get me STARTED on a bitch name Toguro MY GOD ugly ass mf ass big ass op ass gamer ass. mf will SAUTEE you with no remorse. he does not care that you have a family or kids, he wil ROB you of your joy and laugh about it. PISSING ON THE DEAD AND CALLING IT GROUND BEEF. i got HUGE problems with the devs. im throwing mf HANDS PLEASEEEE and if you beat toguro i will personally kiss you on the lips