really fun i like when they make yugioh games that dont have yugioh gameplay

this game sucked me silly and its not even done,
update got hyper sonic and the best ending this game is like awesome as fuck

i need them to just make this a full game and polish it because its effortlessley fun even with the janky perspective and camera

very cool and very rough around the edges the more you play and get used to it the better it feels, juking the enemies and trying not to alert them to get to medium and large sprays and routing around doing those first is fine but the flying enemies just make me angry because they can hit you at so many unfortunate times and it always feels like you couldnt have done anything better to avoid it, hoping future is even better and i cant wait to play bomb rush cyberfunk from what ive seen of it because doing skate tricks inbetween grinds and jumps when youre on the ground helps the flow of the game so much from what i can imagine

the va's for this have so much soul

i really like thius game, the atmosphere bundled with the music are very good and feel very lullaby like its awesome, i didnt mind the lack of a map because i hand made my own map which i had fun doing and it helped me not be lost which is a problem i had with axiom verge 2 even with a ingame map, i think the story is a little lacking but im very happy with the game i played and id definitely buy something similar made by the same person again

watched a deathstream of this its just bad

decent game the last 3 zones are the devil and worse than anything in sonic cd

i played this 3 firends one of which slowly left the planet while we were playing and this game is so fucking good

has lost of charm and is surprisingly deep for such a short game, i love it so much

everything feels wrong in this game specifically getting the emeralds because this game doesnt make getting to the end of the stage with 50 rings easy but somehow in sonic cd it is because those levels are designed big so you dont need a perfect run to get 50 ring like marble zone

makes me realize how booty butt cheeks the first one was and feel validated in my hate of how you gotta stop to graffiti with enemies everywhere that wont stop chasing you, because THIS game is baller the changes to wallride, collsision for rails, graffiti make the game fun to play even if the camera sucks and makes graffiti ing cohesively hard but with all the gameplay improvements it allowed them to make an actual collectathon that didnt hurt to play, getting every graffiti soul and doing both sets of graffiti on every level plus test runs hasnt grinded my soul to dust and makes me eager to play bomb rush cyberfunk

all the aesthetics are dead on the music is great and i like how the level design makes you explore but going between futures would be way better if the level design wasnt anti going fast