honestly for NES game the megaman series is pretty good. i mostly enjoyed all of them all around, and i think they did slowly improve, but also they didn't improve enough to ever really impress me and i slowly got more tired of them. i think 2 and 4 were the best ones probably, and i liked the fusions in this game, but none of them really stand the test of time too well.

played at 4 am to try and get tired, beat it in an hour, pretty cool game

didn't finish, not gonna, aged pretty poorly tbh

story carries this game ngl

didn't finish, pretty meh

i didn't finish it, and i probably never will, but it was really fun

it's fun, but the story is kind of abysmal
edit: nah the story fucking sucks

this game is too fucking goofy

actually aged really well, materia system is amazing

this game is just very unique, and that's all i can really think to say about it

story just repeats itself, game is still kinda fun tho

amazing turn ur brain off game

i thought this was ffv for some reason lmao. game is very bland storywise, and the job system is just too grindy imo.

ngl i speedran this shit and it was mad fun

start was incredible, last area was kind of mediocre tho