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i could not bring myself to finish this game for some reason, it just kind of got boring (got to when the grandfather died and gave up)

haven't finished, but really cool

idk it's cool but the leveling system is shit and it's not that good rn cause it's like completely empty

got like 20 hours in so far and it's really fun, way better than the og, and enough new content to be interesting. so far it's still the worst of the persona games imo (3-5), but still really fun. also it's on game pass so i got it for like 5 bucks

i don't have anything to say about this game

final boss was uninspired

honestly for NES game the megaman series is pretty good. i mostly enjoyed all of them all around, and i think they did slowly improve, but also they didn't improve enough to ever really impress me and i slowly got more tired of them. i think 2 and 4 were the best ones probably, and i liked the fusions in this game, but none of them really stand the test of time too well.

gameplay is way better, story is decent. character design needs an up imo, really fucking boring. like the clothes they wear and their hair are just the most bland shit i've seen in my life. ig it doesn't matter cause you mainly only see the suits, and the suits are fire, but give my boy some regular fucking dreads. and give mj some regular fucking shoes goddamn.

this game is just so fun to do literally anything. it's so fun to look at. i don't even know.

game got that sauce. drizzling sizzling sauce i want to replace my life with.

better than the sequel imo. the worlds in this game are just so interesting and unique.

didn't finish, not gonna, aged pretty poorly tbh

like it's not bad, but this game pisses me off. dunkey video pretty much sums up why i don't like this game, story is absolutely fucking ass, like who cares about the fucking guard, shit's so annoying. combat pretty fun tho

edit: up from 2.5 to 3 stars. adding more to my complaints, i think the materia system is really lacking in this game; there's not really any builds you can make, which obviously is cause this is only the first section of ff7, but i still think this game could do a lot more.