191 reviews liked by moemoemecha

peak genesis kusoge. crackheaded plot, banger ost, ugly as fuck, op boomerang tech, giant pixelated octopus, the last stage was made by europeans

On the first twilight, rejoice at the greatest of all time.
On the second twilight, those who remain shall experience the hallmark of media.
On the third twilight, those who remain shall praise the zenith of the medium.
On the fourth twilight, experience the apogee of creativity.
On the fifth twilight, experience the vertex of invention.
On the sixth twilight, experience the pinnacle of innovation.
On the seventh twilight, experience the epic of epics.
On the eighth twilight, experience the legend among legends.
On the ninth twilight, the gold standard of storytelling shall revive, and no 'mid' shall be left.
On the tenth twilight, at Journey's end, you shall attain to the power of Peak Fiction, once and for the last time.

Peak Fiction shall praise the wise and bestow four treasures.
One shall be 'Goat'.
One shall be 'Raw'.
One shall be 'Kino'.
One shall be 'Fire'.

Sleep peacefully, my beloved media, Peak Fiction.

This game has more mechanics than a fighter jet and less depth than a puddle

why the FUCK would a game walkthrough you through ALL the FUCKIN game settings like an unskippable cutscene, what the FUCK is your problem man????

Addendum (4/26/24): A 2.1 patch dropped and gave the game another honest try, while there's still some pretty big problems with the overtuned difficulty of the emerald challenges, the kart handling, and very misplaced GP courses (really that first GP is a mess compared to the rest), there is a MARKED improvement as a whole with the way the game plays now.

This still needs some hefty lifting and work on its backend and I'm still not over the moon with it, but its a step in the right direction. I'm at least happy the devs seemed to have gotten over this attitude from older comments I've seen and actually taking the criticism to heart to make it better.

ORIGINAL REVIEW: Between the hour long tutorial with constant info dumping mechanics, a mess of visual components making seeing the tracks difficult, and the mechanics of racing itself being overly complex with both a ring currency system for spending to keep your top speed up...

This game's a complete mess. I really enjoyed Sonic Robo blast 2 Kart for the fact it was heavily skill based but still goofy enough that it was in line with how Mario Kart plays. This is just overkill in the audio/visual department without much of a second thought given to the actual core gameplay of the game. So much focus went into shoving so many mechanics like fast drops, ring spending, tricks off springs, etc. that it feels less like I'm racing and praying to god I do finger gymnastics to even stay on the road.

I hope they strip back some of this game or better balance it because in its current state, it's a frustrating mess that isn't very fun to play and its tutorial is a FUCKING HOUR LONG that I spent that I genuinely didn't enjoy.

It's good to be honest.
It makes it different enough from SRB2K for not leave it obsolete.
It becomes obsolete on its own.

EN: Out of jokes, I am very mixed with this game.

To start, the tutorial is extremely long, it took me ONE FUCKING HOUR, it doesn't explain its mechanics well and too much text, it's a racing game, the first thing you want to do is get there and play, if there is going to be a tutorial it should be short and concise, but they don't even do that.

You go to the main menu, imagine you are in a group with friends who want to play online, you go to the mode and you find out that you MUST MAKE A GRANDPRIX PARTICIPATION TO PLAY ONLINE, they even block you from USING MODS, it's a decision that totally destroys what this genre does so well, get in and play, luckily they can improve all this in future updates.

My big problem is with the Gameplay, while it has very cool implementations like for example now getting Items becomes a roulette in which you can activate the skill you need at the moment, there are other very ridiculous decisions like adding quick drops, spending rings and tricks with springs, also the modification of physics and speeds, to the point that all this makes me think that it doesn't feel like I'm going full speed and I pray to stay on the road, if you run out of coins you will punish yourself enormously.

All these changes totally take away my desire to play, not even friends will want to play this game because of the many limitations this game gives you, its release leaves me quite bitter, but I am also optimistic for the future of this game.

Es bastante simpático.
Lo hace lo suficientemente diferente de SRB2K para no dejarlo obsoleto.
Se vuelve obsoleto por sí mismo.

ES: Fuera de bromas, estoy muy mixto con este juego.

Para iniciar, el tutorial es extremadamente largo, me duró UNA PUTA HORA, no explica bien sus mecánicas y demasiado texto, es un juego de carreras, lo primero que quieres hacer es llegar y jugar, si habrá un tutorial debe ser breve y consciso, pero ni eso logran.

Vas al menú principal, imagina estás en un grupo con amigos que quieren jugar online, vas al modo y te enteras que DEBES HACER UNA PARTIDA GRANDPRIX PARA JUGAR ONLINE, incluso te bloquean el USO DE MODS, es una decisión que destruye totalmente lo que este género hace tan bien, entrar y jugar, por suerte se puede mejorar todo esto en futuras actualizaciones.

Mi gran problema es con el Gameplay, si bien tiene implementaciones muy geniales como por ejemplo que ahora la obtención de Items se vuelve una ruleta en la cual puedes activar la habilidad que necesites en el momento, hay otras decisiones muy ridículas como añadir caídas rápidas, gasto de anillos y trucos con muelles, también la modificación de físicas y velocidades, al punto de que todo esto me hace pensar que no parece que esté yendo a máxima velocidad y rezo para mantenerme en la carretera, si te quedas sin monedas te castigarás enormemente.

Todos estos cambios alejan totalmente mis ganas de jugar, ni siquiera amigos querrán jugar este juego por las tantas limitaciones que te da este juego, su lanzamiento me deja bastante amargo, pero también estoy optimista por el futuro de este juego.

Incredibly accurate simulation of living in London

really don't get all the hate for this one. it's fine? but a step back from 5, for sure

started off good, then it became very generic after that. fun, snappy combat until the endgame where it gets kind of terrible. characters are extremely bland and the story is just... fine. pretty disappointed

In the long time I’ve spent running this account, I’ve grown both as a reviewer and as a person. And it’s become increasingly apparent that I need to apologize for a long streak of immature behavior regarding this particular series.

I’m sorry for giving Megaman games half star ratings over something as petty as not including Dr. Light x Dr. Wily yaoi.

It’s childish, it’s messing with the average review score, and above all else, it’s a really superficial way to look at art. I still do not like most of the games in this series but I promise to offer more substantial critique in the future. As a show of good faith, below is my honest review of Megaman 11:

This game fucking sucks because it doesn’t have Dr. Light x Dr. Wily yuri. Keiji Inafune should take his stupid fucking NFTs and shove them up his ass.