i think this might have the worst tutorial i have ever experienced in a video game. literally driver 1 psx tier.

game afterwards? seems neat, but honestly i really prefer how srb2kart plays over this. i feel like maybe with some tweaks and adjustments along the way, this could become the better game, but for now i just really vibe with srb2kart more.

however, the accessibility options are really good, and i think that deserves a lot of praise for having options to reduce visual effects, screenshake, and enable auto accelerate and auto assign items with the roulette. it's really good. and a lot better than srb2kart in that regard, would love to see auto-accelerate brought back over as someone who has had ongoing joint issues and misses srb2kart.

cool game, did not feel like renewing after my apple arcade trial to finish it, and i honestly feel like its format, and overall structure hurt it more than help it, but i think it's neat despite that. would love to see hardlight make a larger game following up on this though.

as a game, i feel like this is kinda flawed and a huge step down from PSO in a bunch of different ways, and i really could not vibe with the story at all as a kid (waiting for the lobby emote animations to play out annoyed the hell out of me). but as a social experience? this game rules. i put so much time into making my player shop perfect, hanging out with friends and just vibing in the world. i probably have a thousand hours in this game just because of the social experience alone.

so yeah, this game simultaneously sucks and rules.

aoti makes things quite a bit better on the gameplay front (which im not reviewing here). the portable games (and zero) eventually kinda perfect the gameplay even more and make it quite good!

so yeah im rather mixed on this game. could it be better in so many ways? totally. is it a formative game that introduced me to friends that i still speak to today? yes, and that's amazing to me.

This review contains spoilers

i spent the entirety of fate/stay night finding kotomine's default standing sprite extremely funny, so when he showed up out of nowhere at the very end i fucking lost it laughing

You are about to give this visual novel a 10 out of 10. This is a rather extreme rating, meaning this is one of the best visual novels you've ever played and it's unlikely that any other game could ever be better than this one.

It is generally a bad idea to have more than three games in your vote list with this rating, choose carefully!

spent years thinking this would be the mid route but it turns out it was actually pretty good! really enjoyed it.

utterly confused on why this was a shadowdrop but this has the potential to be my goty 2023.

best campaign and best mp halo game.

i've probably spent more of the pandemic playing this than any other game.

okay gonna be honest this game just rules. its honestly my favorite vn of all time now, overtaking fata morgana. which i did not expect going in after only picking this game up simply because a friend was hyped.

the only faults are: typos and grammar issues in the translation, especially in the second half. otherwise this is literally perfect.

also this made me cry numerous times. i even had to stop playing in the final chapter as my switch was blurry.

im very tempted to try and write a review better than this at some point but i definitely have to let myself process this game for a little while longer.

so i played this game at launch and wasnt too huge on its story, and thought that it was kind of a letdown.

one whole series playthrough of halo later with friends finished with playing infinite coop, and this game honestly rules. it's not the perfect game at all, but this sandbox is just so much fun to play with friends in. legitimately one of my favorite gaming experiences of the year.

mp: i think forge is phenomenal and i am very excited to see how mp looks in a year or so, because atm its still very barebones but with a fantastic core. hoping 343 just adds tons of community maps into matchmaking.

looking forward to my next playthrough in 2023. i am now cursed to play halo 5 every year.