i dont know what happend to me but i have played this game everyday for a month straight but it never gets boring there are like infinite possibilities and even when you might exhaust (hehe exhaust get it my fellow ironcladders) the normal runs and ascensions you can do custom runs ITS FUCKIGN AWESOME !!!!! defect ftw btw

im currently on my 9th playthrough like what do you want me to say dude this game changed ho wi literally look at life, shit getting you down bro?? its like dark souls you gottta beat the boss its gonna be hard ik..... but its just like darks ouls its all AD RKO SURLDS

lets me live out my fishing fantasy ive also bought this game like 4 times

i know this is gonna soud bad,,,,,, but im just like her i know i know..... but someone has to do it who wants to fix ,me :DD

i dont remember playign this and everyone said it was th best one but iit was ok i gues.....

im not lying when i say this is geniunely one of the best games ive ever played

got filtered and restarted the game 3 times and somehow it stuck with me the fourth time and i played it for 77 hours in 8 days. Ghywum the nerevarine a real one ong

dis shit is awesom breh liek i dont even care waht u think its so sick

its just okay a typical ff game. subpar story, mediocre combat, alright music. a little forgettable. the job system is interesting but really once you get into a high enough job level, switching to another class just means grinding for a couple hours and thats lame. I Just. HATE limiting saving to the overworld and losing hours of progress.

i always make my pilgrimage back to brawl every couple years and realize that really the actual game is in the solo modes. classic mode is just so fun. i used to grind break the targets with every character. and subspace is subspace. maybe its cause i put so many hours into comp melee and ultimate that i cannot stand the floatiness of brawl 1 on 1's. still the goat anyways

its fun but the last couple levels made me want to scream and i cant stand spikes face but le epic monkey :3c

the gba fire emblems have such a unique charm to them i love the little sprites and battle animations its just so cute :3c. but goddam does this game dragg and the maps ARE SHIT atleast they get better in blazing blade. thank you rutger and lugh for the carry i fw u hard . i love you echidna ur so fucking cool.