19 reviews liked by monsieurkeit

I really wish I could listen to Asgore's theme again without singing "Kanye West he likes big fingers in his ass"

aesthetically its great, literally every part of actually interacting with it is borderline unbearable.

Even as a buggy unfinished product, this game slaps the upmost dick and is the peak of the series.




hahahahahaha this fucking game

haha weeeee fludd machine go blubblubblubblubblub

a friend's dumbass friend swears this is the greatest game of all time, and any game you can think of Ark has that game's mechanics but better. All I know is I walked around for a bit, built a small hut, carried my own shit in my hands at 10fps, jumped into the water and fell out the bottom of the map and alt+f4'd

If you read the game's name aloud, it actually says "diddy's conquest"