On paper this is such an buggy mess of a game especially in co-op with dreams of grandeur without the budget to back it up. But it somehow still works? Maybe in its so bad its good kind of way as the gameplay itself is solid enough but everything around is just kinda hilariously unfinished. The voice acting especially is something which brought me great joy with its B movie quality voice acting.

This might also have the worst final boss I have ever seen. Being dragged through walls and ceilings by these claws that have no respect for any kind of law of physics. Truly unforgettable fight.

Unique and atmospheric adventure through Nordic environments. It really nails the local folklore vibe. Also I promise you, there really ain't this many spiders on this side of the planet.

One of the strengths of this one is that is very varied and it keeps introducing new gameplay mechanics, environments or something else that changes how you approach the situation. The movement reminds me of older fps games like Half-Life but instead the fast-paced shooting the weapon handling is much slower and methodical which works mostly well enough but some of the bosses feel like you're just running in circles and shoot whenever you have a chance.

Invasion is a cool addition, but that's about it. It's more of the same and somehow it feels very unfinished on the story side and technically. I lost count how many times my co-op partner got kicked out of the game while reloading a save.

Also the upgrade tree was a disappointment. I don't think there was single thing I wanted to upgrade and in the end I had ton of points that I just forget to spend.

A game that does everything from decent to good, but does not necessarily do anything special. There are some annoyances here and there like the story-beats feeling forced and characters yelling puzzle solutions before I even have time to think about them.

Outside these small problems there is a good adventure to be had here.

Core gameplay is still solid and the Enhanced Edition is one of the most impressive game visually.
Sadly I think this is the weakest in the series. I really didn't find the open-world with side content direction interesting. The main plot is good enough to pull you through the game, but everything around that is abysmal. Like every npc in this game; their mouth moves, but they say absolutely nothing worth of listening. Around halfway through the game I gave up with them and ran past everyone who tried to talk to me.
I think the last chapter is the strongest one because it ignores the open-world structure and focuses on the main story.

It is an beautiful hazy morning and you are tasked with stealing the saxophone of Caetano Grosso, a former saxophone player and current owner of a pizzeria in the corner of July Avenue and Yam Street. To gain his trust you must infiltrate inside the pizzeria and while doing that you might even learn answers to big questions like should I add chocolate to pizza and what does grey matter taste like?

Oh and there is also this shadowy police force so its not all fun and pizza making.

As I haven't read Kafkas The Metamorphosis I might not be the best judge, but I enjoyed the themes and the world in this one. The puzzles work with the theme and are well ingrained in the world even if they're kinda simplistic. Platforming is fast and snappy and I never felt like the game was hindering my movement with invisible walls or other annoyances.
The ending didn't really land for me but other than that I had pretty good time with this one.

Who knew power washing would make a great game?

The co-op for the second player is kinda scuffed though. Why can't I buy cleaning liquids? Why do I get like 1/5 of the money? Shouldn't it be split by the amount of work done instead?

At the core it's still a great Souls game, but this time with open world design.
This is sadly not immune to the open world weakness of feeling same-y the longer it goes and it still has the problem of leveling up losing effectiveness the more you get levels and making the souls feel kinda pointless in the end game.

It does though have something magical about its world design and how it keeps surprising you through the whole experience. That is something very rare in open world games.

It doesn't capture the magic of the first one but it does get pretty close. I think for me it was that I did not find the vehicle as exciting as the first one as I always felt I was going too slow but maybe that's just sailing? Also I was terrible at judging when that sail was gonna hit something in the background.

It's still an beautiful adventure that brings it nicely together with the previous journey.

It's an improvement on the original with some small gripes like climbing feeling clunky.

In the end I just wished it did more with the open-world genre but instead it's just another polished; great game that turns to a checklist the longer you play it.

Pretty ballsy of them to change the gameplay as much as they did but it worked. This is even better than Doom 2016. Rip and tear from beginning to end.

I do wish they did more with the platforming though. The movement itself is great, but it is lacking the challenge that drives the shooting parts forward.

As far as a horror game it's just okay. Like any game that relies too heavily on jump scares it loses steam the longer it goes. It does have a great atmosphere though.

The part that surprised me that there were some pretty great puzzles in there with decent exploration and story to get you through the uneven horror parts. Positive surprise.

Gripping and emotional story with pretty much every gameplay aspect improved compared to the original.
It might not reach the same highs as the first one did but it is overall the better game.

Still the best first-person metroidvania series around.
This one takes little bit more linear approach with its main story but there are still hidden secrets everywhere but as this is an expansion and restricted compared to main game most of these secret chests are coins which hampers the exploring somewhat.

Outside that the story is still light and fun with amazing puzzle design and decent combat. So not much has changed on that front compared to the main game.