It's an improvement on the previous game, especially visually.
Overall I love the presentation, nothing really makes me feel like these two little games with their themes.

It ain't no Bubble Trouble.

Another quality entry in the series. Basically it's more of the same, but it's so well crafted that I don't mind one bit.

A pretty decent campaign with nice amount of variety. Some of the missions work better than others, but at least it feels like they tried with this one and mostly succeeded.

It's an improvement on the original with some small gripes like climbing feeling clunky.

In the end I just wished it did more with the open-world genre but instead it's just another polished; great game that turns to a checklist the longer you play it.

It's great fun and the game mechanics work great. Even if they ain't that deep and get repetitive kinda fast.
On a positive side it's good exercise as well.

It's a Yakuza game with some added mechanics like tailing and finding clues. Some of them work better than others, especially tailing is very repetitious.

The story is tense, engaging and mostly well paced. Around the middle point there are couple chapters that could be cut and not much of value would be lost.

Its fine, but nothing special. The biggest weakness of this one is that there are no real skills and you just keep right-clicking enemies from the beginning to end.

Short and imaginative take on platforming game with beautiful visuals.

A short co-op puzzling that overstays its welcome with its simplistic game mechanics.

There is nothing that special here or anything especially wrong with it. It's just fine.

This starts as a horror game and ends something closer to original Half-life. The combat might not be close to same quality as Half-life but this does not hamper the experience because there are some truly creepy and creative set pieces here with story that keeps you captivated through it.

Performance is sadly little all over the place with frame drops here and there without any real reason.

Short and sweet co-op puzzling, mostly. The last mission is a kind of a mess and it's a shame it ends with a whimper.

Hit pretty close to home, anxiety is a bitch.

At times beautiful game with mostly great pacing as there is always something new behind every corner that keeps the gameplay fresh.

Sadly the last 20% of the game starts to crawl when you run out of new things to build and sail around the world on islands you have already explored.