Relaxing co-op puzzling with mostly interesting puzzles. At times though, it does not explain the mechanics that well and you might accidentally force yourself through the roof and skip the whole puzzle. ¯\\__(ツ)__/¯

It's fast-paced shooting and looting with enough variety to keep it interesting even after you finish it.

It looks and sounds great and the gunplay is solid.
Sadly the game itself is just tedium with horrible traversal and nothing else to do than shoot anything that moves. Around 85% of the game is just you dashing around the city and shooting anything that moves while trying to get to the place where you're suppose to be and usually it just some random button you need to press and after that you run back to the other side. Rinse and repeat for 6 hours.

I almost gave up with this after the couple first chapters. The gameplay just ain't very good and it forces you to fight the same enemies over and over again with mostly cosmetical changes. I did keep playing it and I'm happy I did. There is something magical here with its insane story and visuals. It's not for everyone but it is at least unique.

The PC port sucks tho. You can't change the resolution anything over 1080p or it zooms in and makes it unplayable. Force some SGSSAA so your eyes wont bleed.

Unfunny writing with the lack of challenge makes a terrible experience even though the actual gunplay is fine.

Weirdly as a big fan of Metroidvania games I have never been that much of a 2D Metroid fan. Well this has finally changed with Dread. I'm not totally sure why, maybe its because this feels much better play than rest of the series? Maybe it's the challenging boss fights and generally improved combat? Great level design? Probably combination of all previously mentioned things.

One big negative thing compared to previous games is that the music is just forgettable and average at best.

A game that does everything from decent to good, but does not necessarily do anything special. There are some annoyances here and there like the story-beats feeling forced and characters yelling puzzle solutions before I even have time to think about them.

Outside these small problems there is a good adventure to be had here.

Great co-op bullet hell fun with banging soundtrack. It's really cool how all the levels adapt to the beat of the music.

I wish the main story mode was longer though.

The gameplay with the banging music carries the game over its limited and heavily inspired writing and making it something memorable on its own.

As far as a horror game it's just okay. Like any game that relies too heavily on jump scares it loses steam the longer it goes. It does have a great atmosphere though.

The part that surprised me that there were some pretty great puzzles in there with decent exploration and story to get you through the uneven horror parts. Positive surprise.

The best one yet. This one just has the most refined and varied gameplay.


Creative fast-paced puzzle game in co-op.
The game has a nice difficulty curve which keeps the charming season themed levels and the gameplay evolving which stops them feeling stagnant at any point.

Challenging platformer with lots of heart and sadly middling level design.

Last level was great though.

It's badly designed game for cheap scares.
Play with friends and you will have some fun with it.

Pretty cool combination of bullet hell & typing with some banger music.

There are some annoyances like the font being kinda hard to read at times and it still has some bugs (I managed to glitch one of the bosses and had to restart).