not fun at all for me. the amount of difficulty and skill you need to develop to get through is too much, and not rewarding enough. the successor to this game, cadence of hyrule, took this and improved it way better

this was SO GOOD but it is pretty difficult. love that it's co-op, and love having a rhythm game that goes along to zelda music. the zelda theme was a big seller for me.

the gameplay of these games i found super fun and loved the crossover aspect between different zelda games, peak zelda spin off game.

meh. not bad, but the original hyrule warriors was better. this one is too dependent on the botw/totk storyline, which isn't very good imo.

it's not TERRIBLE, i did have some fun playing it. but it's not good, and definitely not worth the price that it originally cost.

i'm a big fan of unique rhythm games like this, a cool one-off side game from gamefreak, better than most of the other non-pokemon games they've made.

one of the more enjoyable racing games i've played. definitely like it more than mario kart in terms of gameplay, it's easier to pick up in that aspect.

extremely neglected and underrated game, one of the best rhythm games i've played. puts a unique twist on rhythm games, it's not really even a rhythm game in some ways, but it's still great

super fun to play when i'm in the mood for it. i like it more than town of salem 1 so far, loving the new animations, mechanics, etc.

it's a classic. very chill game, cool underlying story

it's decent, a little bit underwhelmed/disappointed by the ending though, and some of the escape rooms were more annoying than fun, but most of them were good

it's mostly very good. a few of the chapters suck, but the ones that don't suck are so extremely amazing. the latter half of the game is peak mystery detective game.

i mean, it's really good for free to play/mobile game, and it's pretty great for a while, but then it just got too grindy for me and started becoming a chore to play

i don't like most competitive games but splatoon 3 turf war is super fun, salmon run is really fun too - the splatfests make it even better, super fun on a weekend fighting for a team in a poll question

i really liked the concept of a pokemon style mmo, but they didn't execute it well, there's trainers every 5 seconds, the entire game is just fighting trainers without anything in between